
Problem with braces, help please?

by  |  earlier

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ok so the end of my top teeth are inside the bottom ones...called an underbit

I was given elastics to push my teeth outside. it has worked amazinhly...they are pushing my teeth.

problem is my I still wear my elastics but the left side has moved sooooo much is clearly more expanded than the bottom ones while the right side are still a little less than the bottom teeth

I'm fraeaked out, it looks so wierd

what can I do?




  1. Don't worry, jus go to the orthodontist && have them check it out, probably too much pressure was put on one side, they'll b able to fix it don't worry!! Best of luck =)

  2. Individual teeth move at different speeds,   your left side has cooperated quicker than the right,   that is normal.    Don't be afraid to call the orthodontist and tell the receptionist that one side has moved enough to worry you.    They may be able to tell you what to do over the phone,  or they may want a quick peek.    I know it looks weird,  but it usually happens this way,  he may tell you to stop the elastics on the left side,  BUT CHECK with him first,  never change without him knowing it.

  3. sometimes only the orthodontist can see the big picture. I had a palate expander and was freaked because it was spread so far. But now that I am getting my braces off my teeth are perfect you just have to trust your doctor they know what they are doing.

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