
Problem with crosses?

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ok, im 16 and for about 2 years now iv noticed i can see, hear, nd talk to spirits. but i have this problem with crosses. my church has this GIANT cross up front and i just cant stop staring at it i dont want to get near it, and it makes me REALLY angry, stuff like that. my grandma got me a golden cross that was really pretty and wen i wore it after about an hour there was an imprint from where it was that lookd kinda like a blister and it burned..

does anyone know anything about what this could be??? please dont give me bs answers im ACTUALLY wondering about this. thnx.




  1. Here's your problem, you're 16 and looking for help on the internet.

  2. i can touch and hear spirits. i can see them, but that happens rarely. sometime i tried to talk to spirits. i did little of the Wicca stuff.

    after reading what you type

    i'm curious if i'm afraid of crosses. i'll try that on myself some day.

    by the way, how were you able to start to communicate with spirits?

    my guess you're afraid of crosses is because the spirits you contacted do not like God, refuse to accept God. if they dislike God, they will not want you go near him, believe in him. they want to separate you from God?

    this is just a guess.

    august 6, 2008

    nope i'm not afraid nor do i have any anger towad  fourteen different crosses.

  3. Merry meet and welcome back.

    Before the Christians took the cross as their symbol - it was Pagan.

    If you are going to be Wiccan - you will understand this commitment is not just for one lifetime. Not being Christian does not make you evil.

    You already feel like you don't belong there. Find out where you do, and pick up where you left off. Past life regression may help as someone advised, or just follow your nose. They both will lead in the same direction.

    I was brought up Christian - but had some very strange hobbies. I even learned herblore in my teens lol!, then took geology at school - and collected crystals; divination came next - then discovered I was a witch all along. Now very happy doing Medieval re-enactment as it feels like home.

    I just get flashes of past events - people and places, although I sense spirits and energy, I don't see them. - Guess you're one up on me ;-)  - Maybe next time around.

  4. Is there any chance you're an empath? meaning, do you have a tendency to pick up other people's emotions? Because I am, and I can not only pick up live people's emotions, but the dead's as well. And I've learned through experience that crosses and crucifixes especially make demons and those on the dark side very very angry.  

    But... with everything, there is a duel nature. Yin and yang, good and bad. Being able to connect to and speak with spirits, you're like a beacon of light to the spirit world, and that means until you sufficiantly raise your vibration high enough, you're also attracting the dark side, not just the light. And it's actually very common for those who are newly opened to attract the dark side at first. It's almost a rite of passage, because everyone I know has gone through it to some degree. The dark ones see the "newbies" (if you will) as an easy target.

    how do you go about speaking with to the spirits?? Do you call them TO you, or do they just come to you? It almost sounds to me like you need to learn to protect yourself....

  5. Everything you're saying indicates the possibility that you may actually have a sensitivity to electromagnetic fields. In order to test it, though, you're going to have to find an EMF detector.

    Then what you'll do is to find a high source of EMF (electrical boxes are great), and then measure the EMF next to it. Also, take an accounting of yourself, and see if you feel uneasy. If you do, I'd say case closed!

    Incidentally, many ghosts are said to give off an electromagnetic field, which would explain your sensitivity to them, too. The difference is that ghosts make EMF's roam, while naturally-generated EMF's are created by electrically-charged objects, and so they stay in one place.

    Next, go measure the area next to the cross where you start feeling uncomfortable. Note the level where you can really start feeling it. I'm guessing it'll be in the 2-4 milliGauss range, which is typical of those sensitive to EMF's.

    Hope this helps, and I'd love to find out what your results are if you try this!

  6. Maybe you were crucified in a past life...or maybe you were a Witch in a past life who was tortured and killed by Christians.

    I would do a past life regression. Once you know and understand the source, the issues should cease.  

  7. Put down that Satanic Bible

  8. Sounds more psychological than paranormal.

    And chances are, you're farting around with the necklace and not realizing that you are causing it to scratch and irritate the skin.

  9. You are allergic to gold. You played with a golder cross as a kid and got a rash from it and you now have a repressed fear of crosses. That or you're possessed.

  10. well this sounds like demon possession, however if it is. You did something to cause it, the main reason is those who study witchcraft.

    my advice to you is to go see any kind of Pentecostal or Baptist Minister.

    Some Priests MAY have the faith to perform this, but IMO pentecostal preachers deal with this stuff most of the time.

  11. Please explain this issue to your parents and ask to see a psychologist. I'm not kidding, and I am not being glib.

  12. Your fear of crosses has produced psychosomatic illenss in you.  Such effects are well documented in many case -- boils, cuts, welts, and bruises that appear during and after mentally traumatic experiences.

    You give no evidence to support your reason for fear of crosses.  You need to seek the help of a qualified psychiatrist, one experienced with para-religious phenomena.

    Please note that demon posession is the LAST option you should be investigating, but that is why i suggest a psychiatrist with experience with para-religious phenomena.  S/he will be able to tell the difference between a psychosis and a demonic posession.

  13. You are having a case of youthfull rebellion.Your parents are probably forcing you to church.You don't like it,in fact you hate it..You're making up the cross burns and blister to bolster your story.Very few will believe that,by the way.

    Try not to be so angry in a few years you'll make your own decisions.This whole thing will be a silly memory.

  14. Christian symbols have a tendency to make non-Christians angry. That could be what is happening.

  15. First, let me say that I believe your experiences are real and that you have anxiety around crosses.

    You have complete control over your fears.  If you are experiencing fears of crosses, it's nothing metaphysical.  It's within you.  Work to calm yourself and find your inner strength.  Find your courage and confront your fears.  You are currently letting the image of a cross have control of your actions and your feelings.  Work to take that control back.

    You are new to these experiences, and it is important to realize that you don't need any approval or attention from others.  This work is personal work.  It comes from inside of you.  Conquer and control your internal fears and you will make great progress.

    Here are my suggestions:

    -  Develop a calm state of mind through meditation, prayer, or hypnosis.

    -  Work to find your inner strength and confidence.

    -  Once you have found your inner confidence, go to the church.

    -  Calm yourself and slowly look to the cross.  Notice that it is inanimate and that it is just another object, like a bench or a tree.  Try to become comfortable with the image.  Breathe.

    - Once you become comfortable with the image, approach the cross, holding the thought in your mind that it is just like other objects.  Calm yourself again.  Breathe.

    -  Work toward the cross until you touch it and recognize that it is just an object.  It can't hurt you.  Have I said breathe?

    This may take some time, and you may not be able to complete this process in one sitting.  Be patient and you will find that it is important to take control of your feelings if you are going to progress in your studies.  Good luck!


    Whether you are afraid or angry, controlling those thoughts and emotions will help you to progress.  If these are sensations from this life or from a past life, it doesn't matter.  I would recommend that you focus on moving forward and getting past the anger.  Try not to get too caught up in the terminology and classifications of the phenomenon.  Look inside yourself for the answers.
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