Ok, so... I'm 20 years old and I was being a moron when I was 18. I got three credit cards and went out of control. So now I have to pay for the mess I made. Well, Last month I couldn't pay because since it's summer hours were cut back in my company. I tried to explain before but the guy that is the supervisor of the company about my situation and he asked me if I could ask a family member for help. I said I want to do this on my own but he started to yell at me because I said I couldn't pay for it. I know I made a mess and I want to pay for it. It's just that I am not getting enough hours, and also I have been working on getting a second job but all the companies I applied for either needed someone on the shifts that I already work on, located far away, needs someone flexible, pretty much to my disadvantage. Pittsburgh really isn't the greatest city to find a job unless you are a doctor or lawyer. Well I am going to call the company and explain what happened. Any advice?