
Problem with friend at work?

by  |  earlier

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There is this girl I work with and we were always good friends. I applied at a place and told her she should too, so she did and we both got the job. Ever since I've started working with her I can't stand her. She tries to give her work off on everyone else, and even when the manager told her to help me make some customers food to get them out, she told me she wouldn't help me cause she didn't feel like it. If the phone rings she will tell someone else to get it, cause she doesn't feel like it, even though were all in the middle of doing something else. I flipped on her once cause she pushed me too far, and she got ticked off at me. I dunno, its hard to call her a "friend" when she has stabbed me in the back to many times and gone out of her way not to help me. All the other teenagers there used to be her friend can't stand her either. She has shown her true colors, would you guys still call her a friend?




  1. That sounds like c**p to me. I would seriously get everyone who is having a problem with this obviously LAZY person & go straight to the manager, sounds like she needs a good talking to, or let go.

  2. No i wouldn't call her a friend, I would call her a lazy co-worker that has no sense of team work.  sometimes it is hard to call friends friends at work.  They tend to take advantage of the friendship at work, believe me i have worked with my friends and you always depend on them to have your back but they generally don't care about anybody but themselves, and anything to make their job easier.  I don't understand why your boss don't see it, and have a dynamic discussion about it.  Nothing gets done in fast food if you don't work as a team.

  3. before you flip out again on this girl....and lose your job...........i would go straight to the manager about this problem!!!!! have one ( or more) of the other workers go w/ you.  i mean honestly, she is gettin paid for everyone else doing her job!!!!!  maybe your manager can talk to her and let her know she needs to change or there will be consequneces. i would do your job and make her do her OWN work!!!!!!   and NO....she isn't a friend.....she's a user!!!!!

  4. yo dawg shez jus bein haself, ya herrr and sh3 gos ta do wa she gos ta do..

    actually, i wouldnt be her friend either she sounds like she think shes berrter than you cause she knows shes good at the job and thinks everyone is below her and she is not a good friend, a good friend would not throw you under the truck like that..if she cant change thats her sunken ship

    have fun working with her! :]

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