
Problem with geting rid of a house!

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My current girlfriend bought a house with her ex she fronted most of the deposit and he paid a tiny percentage, as an investment they were trying to develop and sell for profit. After there relationship broke up, he left her with paying the mortgage and bills along with general management of the property with the understanding that he would sign over the house to her later. After chasing him using a solicitor, his mother advised him not to sign it over as if the house sells for more than the mortgage, he would own half the profit. So we came up with the plan to sell the house to pay the mortgage off, and split anything the remains. But we are having trouble selling it, it's not in a great location and the condition is not desirable. We need a really fast / easy way of getting rid of the house with minimal contact with him and just enough value to cover the mortgage and legal fees e.c.t. Help!!




  1. right now the housing market is suffering so much that this would definately not be the ideal time to sell!! but a good tip to selling it fast would be to list it a little less than what others in the area are going for. this will attract more buyers.  

  2. The underlying relationship doesn't really have anything to do with this.  It's a basic question of how to sell a house in a depressed real estate market.  There are plenty of websites with suggestions on how to do that.  The house has to be priced aggressively, and it should look as nice as you can make it.  If it's a fixer-upper, at least make it presentable.  If there's any stuff lying around, get it out of there.  Buyers like houses that are spotlessly clean.  

    If your real estate agent has any suggestions on what would make the house show better, listen, and implement as many of them as you possibly can.

    When it does sell, your girlfriend and her ex should get back the amount of money they invested, before any remaining profit is divided.

  3. My husband and I are wanting to move too, but can't sell our house in this market. Our house depreciated $50 grand in the last two years because of the housing market. So we can't even refinance to a fixed mortgage. We're on an ARM. Boy, we didn't see this coming...I mean with the housing market.

    Anyway, sorry I got off track there...I don't have any personal experience to share with you, but however I would like to suggest to check out the website of HGTV where they do remodeling etc. Check out the "Design to Sell". Have you ever seen that show? They tell you how you can spruce up your house, even when it's a fixer upper, so that it will be more attractive to your potential customers. And they do it on a fixed budget. You'd be amazed on what they can do with just 2 grand. Even if you didn't have that to put into the house, you could always put a fresh coat of paint, if the house hasn't been painted; on the inside and outside. My husband and I are going to fix up our house little by little, and right now we're starting with our backyard wall/fence. We're in the process of painting it. So far it looks great! And it will be an eye catcher too.

    I know I don't have much to give you, but I do wish you and your girlfriend the best of luck on this. Check out the HGTV and see what they can suggest on how to make the house more attractive. :-)

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