
Problem with keeping things organized and cleaned. can u guys help me?

by  |  earlier

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i have a problem with keeping things cleaned and organized, as i said in the question. my room always gets dirty right after i clean it. i guess i make the mess but ya....anyways do u guys have any tips or advise for me on how to keep things not use to it. id appreciate it alot! thnx




  1. One thing that might be contributing to your problem is that you have too much stuff. Does everything in your room have a home?  I would get some small clear storage boxes, and put things in them that you want to keep, but you don't use very often, mementos, souvenirs, photos, etc.... Also, is there stuff you can get rid of period? Are you holding onto things that you could give to someone else or just plain throw away?

    How many clothes do you have? Is it time to clean out the closet? Do you have enough hangers or drawer space for everything?

    Do you have a shoe rack or a place to put your shoes neatly? How about a dirty clothes hamper? Is it big enough?

    Maybe you could get some shelves or a bookcase in your room. But I really advise you to get as much stuff out of there as you can. It will make a HUGE difference. I did this with my stepdaughter. She could never keep her room clean for more than 2 hours. We went through her room and threw old school papers away, from 2 or 3 years previous, put a lot of little girl mementos in storage, etc... Now, it takes her 5 minutes to clean her room, and it's usually pretty clean anyway. She says it's so much easier to clean without a bunch of stuff in there. Hope this helps. Good luck!

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