
Problem with law, and personal problems?

by Guest67205  |  earlier

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I have aproblem right it sorta werid an i dont know wut to do i'm young (14-17)

Today iwas at a local mall in (Ontrio) and i was just hugging my girlfriend an then we sorta started to have oral (fingering her) and then the mall secrutiy cought us then we got kicked out for 5 mounths an now they said there is a 50-50 chance they will call my house an my parants will start yelling an screaming at me an i dont want that to happen wut can i do to help with my Stress an fear and how can i avoid my parants?




  1. Tell your mother and say sorry.

  2. Just deny it. No one's going to believe it.

  3. Your age is 14-17?  Are you just not sure how old you are?

    And how is fingering her oral s*x?  

    Anyway, they are not going to call your parents unless they catch you back at the mall again.  So just don't go to the mall until it all blows over... Malls suck anyway.  Go outside.

  4. So now you know how it feels to have done something that is not acceptable in public. So long as you learned the lesson, do not do it again.  There is a time and a place for that..............not at the mall..

    you are lucky they did not take you both to the office and call your parents right then, and tell them what you were doing.

    Consider yourself lucky and learn from your mistake...I would just wait, and see if the mall is going to pursue the incident, but definitely stay away for awhile until things cool down, if hey do not see you with your parents you may just get a break......thank you  

  5. Do not avoid your parents but avoid such actions in the future till you reach the correct age and get the correct person., and you will know what is right and wrong.

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