
Problem with my Economic Stimulus?

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I just found out that I don't qualify for the economic stimulus check I've heard so much about because apparently, my father declared me as a dependent on his tax returns. I'm a 23 year old college grad who works full time. On my tax forms at work and for my student loans I've been putting myself down as not being a dependent, so how on earth was my father able to claim me as a dependent? Does anyone know of any official process I can go through with the IRS to undo my being declared as a 'dependent' when in reality I'm not? Do I have any hope of getting my stimulus check?




  1. Your dad might or might not been legally allowed to claim you.  Did you file an income tax return and claim yourself?  If not, you aren't eligible even if he hadn't claimed you.  

    If you did claim yourself on your return, then both you and your dad will hear from the IRS (I'm surprised that you haven't already) telling you both that the person who didn't have the right to claim you needs to amend your return - if that's your dad, then your original return will stand and you'll get your stimulus payment.  If neither of you amends your return dropping the claim, then the IRS will determine who has the right to claim you.

    If you were not a full time student for at least 5 months of 2007, and you made over $3400 last year, then your dad isn't allowed to claim you.  If you provided over half of your own support for the year, he isn't allowed to claim you.

    If you were a full time student for at least 5 months of 2007, and you didn't provide over half of your own support, and you lived with him for over half the year (time temporarily away at school counts as living with him) then he very likely can claim you.

  2. Take a look at a copy of your tax return to make sure you did indeed claim yourself. If you used Form 1040EX, you would have left the box marked "YOU" on Line 5 *unchecked*. If you checked the box, then there's no way you're going to receive the stimulus payment this year regardless of whether or not your father claimed you. If you did leave it unchecked, the IRS will investigate to see who is entitled to the exemption and you will *possibly* receive the payment once it's been determined.

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