
Problem with my dad ?

by  |  earlier

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I told him I was a homosexual and he said " so you're unnatural , I will not support you ..." he said harsh words , I' m crying right now , what should I do ?




  1. have s*x with your partner in front of him

  2. what did you expect to would take a loooong time to obsorb that one

  3. I am sorry to hear this.

    Well I think from now on you just need to be happy and not to think about this and not to bring this up to your dad again. Most parents in the world are not that "open-minded" to everything, especially when we are talking about the sexual orientation. Just stick with your life and be happy. And hopefully your dad will accept this fact gradually.

    Cheer up dude, this is not the end of the day and you can have a great life without anyone's support.

    All the best to you.

  4. Well may be its not as harsh as u took it.

  5. homosexuality is unnatural,

    your dad will come around

  6. Well your dad should respect you how you are and what you are if he doesn't like what you are block your ears theres no point to listen to an idiot like him.

    Do mine;...

  7. If you were serious, you wouldn't run to Y!A.  

  8. Ask God for guidance and seek truth. Try not to live in pursuit of your own interests because they will lead to a dead end. That is a guaranteed fact of life and it will make you and keep you miserable. Homosexuality in the bible is considered a perversion of the natural way to procreate.

    KJV Romans 1:26-27

    26For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

    27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

    Don't get me wrong, heterosexuals are just as bad if they commit adultery or sexual immorality.

    You may think that you are not doing anything wrong and are just trying to live out your life like everyone else, but Homosexuality DOES CAUSE HARM. It is a sin that distances you from God, It hurts your family, and most of all you because that is not God's plan for you. The sites may really help you as well

    Please note that even though your own family can bring you down the only one who will never desert you or turn his back on you is God. He will guide you if you accept Christ into your life

    Your Brother in Christ

  9. Tell him its ur life ur decision and u will live the way u want and iif he wont support u that u will have no choice but to move on and live ur life without a proper father who loves u for who "You" are and not wat u represent...i can understand the tears but just look at the birght side at least u told him soon and not developed a lie and made it last 10yrs liek sum people do....i hope i helped...i pray for u!

  10. Parents say things when they're upset. Be who you are and not what someone else wants you to be. Give him time to adapt and hopefully he'll come around. If not, then that's his loss.

  11. wow i don't know but i would imajine he thinks your brokin. you have to think too he had some kind of dreams of you deing his son and you kinda killed his dream of your future. and leting you know that he thinks its wrong for you to be this way you might change back to a regular(normal)person give him time to prosses it. he's your father he should get over it. depends on him tho. good luck
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