
Problem with my messy mom.?

by  |  earlier

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My mom grew up in an extremely messy home, and so she now sort of keeps a lot of stuff. We have boxes of c**p in every bedroom, the living room, and in mini storage. She won't listen to me when I try to convince her to get rid of stuff, like some the 20 instruments that we own, and that no one else but me plays. How can I get her to get rid of all this stuff?




  1. don't get rid off it put it into storage likea garrage or attic then ur mom won't get mad then wait intill she forgets about the stuff and slowly get rid of it ebays a good place or the dumps just as good though don't tell your mom worked for me

  2. This is a sign of insecurity. I would tell her that she needs to go through this stuff before the health dept. comes in and closes down the house. Ask her to please sit down with you and go through one box a week and to get rid of some of the stuff. If she won't, then she needs to have counseling to deal with this. This could turn into something very bad.  

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