
Problem with my motherboard???

by  |  earlier

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Right i have a MSI 915GLM-v motherboard if you search it it is ment to have a AGR slot yes thats right not AGP its an AGR x 8 interface but on mine the connector slot is not there.. there is the gap for it and 2 holes for it to s***w into but where can i get this RED AGR slot to put into my motherboard???




  1. Your motherboard is most likely the model targeted for business machines that is why the graphics expansion slot was intentionally NOT implemented. And it is really not a simple task of just finding and attaching a connector there. I bet even the BIOS does not support an expansion card.

    If you really want more powerful graphics, it would be less troublesome to just upgrade to a better motherboard that has the graphics expansion slot.  

  2. Contact the place you bought it from as it appears to be defective.  If you can find the slot, just s******g it into the board will do nothing, you will have to solder in all the connections and probably add a video chip (also soldered in).  It is not worth the effort.

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