I've been breastfeeding my son exclusively for the past almost 10 months now, he does eat solid food but he FLATLY refuses anything like a bottle or sippy.
Ive spent a FORTUNE on EVERY kind of bottle or sippy at every store I could find. I seriously am saying E-V-E-R-Y cup, bottle, or nipple on the market. I digress however...
My son favors my left side... if you know what I am saying... I feed him from both but for the past moth or two he has been starting to REFUSE the right breast. Screaming, flailing and even making himself physically ill at times, until he gets his 'favorite' one...
Now here is my problem, Ive been giving in to his demands lately and now I'm noticing a change in that side. My right is drying out, and my left is... well its embarrassing, anyway. Its not rely noticeable, YET, but I don't want it to BECOME noticeable.
Its like he has killed the collagen in that nipple, it doesn't get cold anymore! Not THAT looks strange when that happens.
I'm stuck now, he wont take the other breast, he HATES the idea of bottles or sippys like poison... What do I do?
Anyone ever have a problem like this?