
Problem with number 2 (mature answers please)?

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ok i am probably over reacting but every day for the past week i have been going to the bathroom several times a day (not number one people) it has started ever since i began taking this vitamin multipack and i think it is more than a coincidence. ive taken tons of other vitamins before and this has never happened. usually i only go maybe 2 or 3 times a week... now I'm up to 3 times a day (whenever i eat ANYTHING within an hour i have to go) I'm nervous because when i was in high school and a freshman in college i was a laxative junkie who was trying to lose weight by taking laxatives every day (dumbest idea ever) and i dont know if this is due to damage i may have done to myself at that time....i don't know how often ur actually supposed to go number 2 but i have a feeling its not THIS often

should i be worried right now?

i don't have diarrhea by the way




  1. your pooping normal now.  you should p**p as many times as you eat typically, so if you eat 3 meals on Monday, dont be surprised if you p**p 3 times on Tuesday.

  2. you're actually sapose to go "number 2" at least once a day...sometimes for me a even go twice or even three times a day...i think its the the vitamins working their magic and getting you regular :)

    just think about how much you eat in a day :P

  3. You are suppose to go number two every time you eat.  Because of the lack of enzymes in our food these days this rarely happens.  We don't have proper break down in our systems.  If it bothers you though...stop taking the vitamins.  

  4. i think that your vitamins strengthined your immune system and this is what is causing the food to fly right threw you. my suggestion is to take some pepto bismol and this will stop your bowel movements and irregulate them.

  5. check the vitamins and see how much fiber is in them, see if it says anything about regulating your digestive system or anything like that.  I dont think it has to do with your previous laxative ues.  It has something to do with that vitamin because thats the only thing you've changed.

  6. i never realised that number 2 sounds like poo.

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