
Problem with poor guy in class?

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I am good and smart student.Try to give answer to every question,whenever teacher ask.

Like today I was walking inside the class.There was a bad smell already inside it and one guy(mean and fails many classes) bully me.He comes towards me and handed me deodorant,every person of class start laughing at me,when they see that and they think I was the one who stinks,start asking do you have physical education or JR-OTC.Why you didn't use deodorant.I am asian,I feel like he discriminate me.

If I smell bad,he didn't need to do that.

What I suppose to do now,talk to counselor or fight back and threaten him by putting back the deodorant to his disk




  1. Beat the sh** out of him. Kidding.

    But Asian Discrimination?

    That's sounds like the girls in my class.

    Tell your teacher and parents.

    Gosh, that guy needs help.

    Try to ignore him.

    F***in racist kid has no manners AT ALL.

    Well anyways, Good Luck.

  2. Kid deserves a pop in the jaw(Lol, no, makes things worse. I understand how discrimination feels. I'm Hispanic, and people call me Indian or Mexican purposely, though I am not.

    Tell a councelor, teacher or school staff ;D


  3. Karma will get him.

  4. I know you must feel intimidated, but if you are able to feign confidence, next time, he harrasses you, just lean back confidently and laugh at him with calm arrogance. say, "ahh how hard it must be to have no testacles." "I accept your jealousy of my full sack."

  5. Ignore him. He's just an ignorant a**. If you could smell him, then the others in the class could, too... Oh, and BTW, please do really, really well in your ESL class!

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