
Problem with replaced 1998 Ford Escort thermostat!! I really screwed up!!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok I went to replace my thermostat, it is probably a simple process. Everything was going good until I went to remove the three bolts that hold on the thermostat housing. And my lucky the first bolt was so rusty that it broke off, the other two came out fine. So I didn't know what else to do, so I drilled out the s***w and when the Thermostat housing came off, then there wasn't enough of the s***w to grip and s***w out. So I continued to drill the s***w out and I was at a bad angle and I drilled too much to the right of the actually hole. So now the T. Housing won't line up, of course. So I don't know what to do now. Do I have to buy another engine now. Or is there so way I could drill the right hole out and somehow plug the wrong hole?




  1. Boy you saved a lot of money doing that yourself. NOW take it to a mechanic, that hopefully can figure out a way to reattach it without spending a fortune. You've done enough repair work, don't you think?

  2. Go to your nearest auto store and tell them that you need a tap and die set they can set you up for the proper one that you need and then get some silicone go home and tap out the right hole that you need and then do exactly what the auto store guy/woman tells you to do with the die then take the silicone and cover the hole that you dont need and your problem should be fixed but if it isnt then take and put your t. housing back on and bolt it with the two that you have and take it to the nearest mechanic.

  3. give it to a mechanic. He will have to perform some magic tricks to fix it.

  4. Again. You have amazed me! You are smart enough to do that on your own? Do you want a job?  I am late to answer this and kinda said a little about it in your other question I answered. I did forget to say, if you have your spark plugs in the wrong order, even if only 2 aren't correct, the engine will turn for a sec probably slowly(if at all), then crank faster, then real slow and maybe even stop. And then maybe crank some more. Even with a jump start, if the firing order is wrong. It will never start. The Auto zone advice is good. If that doesn't help,let me know and I will print you something from my own repair programs and email it. Brad

  5. h**l, if it's a Ford you probably fixed all the problems.

    F ix

    O r

    R epair

    D aily

    F ound

    O n

    R oad

    D ead

  6. it's possible a mechanic can re-tap it. they'd have to see it. I wouldn't worry too much, as you can probably get by with two bolts.

  7. my dad had one broke down 2 yimes in 1 year give it to junkyeard

    for= found on road dead

  8.   You might have enough room to install a "heli coil" in the hole, and enlarge the hole in the housing to line up with the heli coil.

    ask your local parts store for the correct coil and installation instructions, or let a service mechanic install it for you.

  9. You might be in a lot of trouble here..sounds like  a "hard fix' for your could try filling the old hole with epoxy of JB weld and re drilling/taping the hole (in the right place of course). but that may not hold.  try calling a Machine shop or 2 in your area and see what they suggest and how much it will cost, if not time for a new motor..good luck!

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