
Problem with router?

by  |  earlier

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hi, we r working in cisco devices lab. we wanted to upgrade our ios and at upgragation time the power gone. when we connect to router it could not load to show something for us? what should we do ? router model is 2600




  1. connect the router and lan line.

    when all connections are ok, open the browser and enter in the address bar.

    when prompted for the password enter user: admin password: admin . reset the settings in the opened application,

    this is the easiest way to correct router problems.

  2. You need to take the IOS form another router.

    Install a TFTP server

    First you need to install a (TFTP) server. I recommend the Tftpd32 server, which you can download from the Web. This is a great TFTP server, without a lot of the fluff that most of the others have. At less than 1 MB, it's very small and has no install application.

    Run the TFTP server on a PC

    If you've just pulled the working router off a shelf, you can connect the PC to the router with a reverse Ethernet cable. Configure the router and PC on the same network. Make sure that you can ping the router and that the router can ping you.

    If your working router is up on your network, you can just download the IOS over the network directly using instructions in the next section.

    Copy the IOS from the working router to the PC

    Here's an example of how to accomplish this:

    copy c2600-12-3.xxxx.bin tftp://

    Replace with the IP address of your PC, and replace c2600 with the name of your IOS. (You can locate the name of the IOS on the working router using the show flash command.)

    This saves the IOS on the PC in the directory configured by the TFTP server. Figure A shows an example of what it looks like while downloading. Make sure to note the directory in which you'll save the IOS.

    Download the IOS to the nonworking router

    The best way to accomplish this is via Ethernet. The alternative—using XMODEM through the console—will be very slow, even if you increase the serial port baud rate to the maximum. So, instead, connect the PC's reverse Ethernet cable to the nonworking router (or use two normal/straight-through Ethernet cables and a switch).

    Without an IOS, the nonworking router will boot up in ROMmon mode. The prompt will look like this:


    Verify the necessary settings

    On the console of the nonworking router while in ROMmon mode, use the set command to display the current settings, which the program will use to download the IOS via TFTP. (For a Cisco example of these steps, check out this Cisco documentation.)

    For example, here are the settings you must set for the tftpdnld command to work:

    rommon> set





    TFTP_FILE={the name of the IOS that is saved on the PC}

    However, your settings may not contain any of the required variables for the tftpdnld command. By default, it may look something like this:

    rommon 9 > set

    PS1=rommon ! >





    If this is the case, set the required variables. While it might seem obvious to use the set command to set the variables, you can actually set the variables simply by entering the name of the variable, the equal sign [=], and the value.

    For example, to set the IP address of the broken router, you would use the following:


    Final steps

    After setting your values, run the tftpdnld command, which will replace the IOS. Listing A provides an example of how I restored a router.

    An alternate approach to the tftpdnld command

    However, if the tftpdnld command doesn't work for some reason, you can use the xmodem command to send the IOS over the serial console line. (For instructions for this process, check out this Cisco documentation.) However, if you decide to take this route, it's a good idea to change the baud rate on the console and your PC to 115,200 so it doesn't take more than four hours for an 8-MB IOS file to transfer over the 9600-baud console.

    On a final note, keep in mind that different models of Cisco routers and different Cisco firmware versions respond differently. For example, these commands performed on a 2600 series router may not work on a 3600 series router. However, the basic process remains the same.

  3. Is there anything like a loader prompt? I'm assuming you are in the console port by the way. These aren't basic IPs like a linksys so browsing to a generic IP address isn't an option. Get into the console port, then hit enter or turn it off and back on. If you come up to the loader prompt type "?" for a list of basic commands. You need to see what was loaded into bootflash: If you have the kickstart and the IOS there, you can then first load the kickstart from bootflash. This gives you a few more commands. Clean up the config then (copy r s) load the OS from bootflash: It may be that the boot variables weren't set during the upgrade and it is in a limbo state.
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