
Problem with running?

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I have a question about running. I would like to think i'm in pretty good physical shape, i work out every day but i havnt really been running. Whenver i try to run, my calves cramp or hurt very quickly. Its like all the lactic acid in my body rushes to my calves within minutes. I'm not even breathing heavy or tired but my calves are aching so that it sucks to continue running. I keep well hydrated drinking water throughout the day and i strech before i run, extensively on my calves but doesnt seem to work.

Any ideas or suggestions?




  1. You definitely need to warm up before you stretch.  

    Have you tried The Stick?  It warms the muscle, stretches it and also can be used to stregthen it.  Every runner should have one.

  2. Try calf raises. do as many as you can, rest a minute, then start again. It will burn at first but that is the muscle working an building. You start out standing w/o shoes. Go to a tip-toe position. ease it back down again. do this 5 times, rest 1 minute, 7 the next, rest, 10 the next, rest, until you can do 25 without stopping. It won't hurt to run and you'll be faster too!

  3. Make sure your shoes are the right flexibility for running. I have Nike shoes specifically for running and they don't seem as flexible as other shoes that are specific to aerobic classes or walking. Also make sure you are doing at least a 5 minute warm up before you stretch. And ease your way into running, maybe the rest of your body can handle it because you're aerobically fit, but you need to build the muscle mass as well. Do standing calf raises twice a week.

  4. The only reason you would cramp up quickly and start to hurt is if you are trying to sprint rather then run.  Don’t confuse sprinting for running, through both are forms of running a sprinter works on muscular development for a short burst of energy.

    If you want to run, slow down to a comfortable pace.  I suggest   running with a friend if you can.  When running if you can hold a conversation you are going at the right speed for training.  Running alone, no problem, if you have an ipod (or not).  If you can sing a song while running you are OK.

    Next you need to build your endurance, this takes time, and you may want to consider a run/walk program.  These programs are typically 10 weeks and starts out by running x amount of time and walking 1 minute.  Gradually increasing your run time by X + 1 minute over 10 weeks until you can run 10mins continuously with a 1 minute break. Total run time for this period is 20 minutes, 3 – 4 x per week.  So you would do sets of whatever run/walk interval you are doing up to 20 minutes.  

    Running is not about speed, its about endurance and stamina.  If you are looking to race in longer events, I would not worry about speed training until you have a comfortable base.  Then once a week look at running hills or intervals to slowly build speed and your lactic acid threshold.

    Hope that helps, harry
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