
Problem with running race?

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when ever i run a race my arms tense up and become very tight. I tried relaxing them but it just dosent help what can I do




  1. Really focus on keeping them relaxed, and knowing that good form is what makes you go faster, not tensing up

  2. when u swing ur arms, let ur thumbs hit your waist. this keeps your arms from being flexed and tight. try it

  3. You're trying to force the race too much. Stop thinking about it and let your body carry itself. Your body will move naturally and smoothly on its own. The only time that you get tight is when you try to do something that your body doesn't want to do naturally.

  4. Shake your arms down by your side.  This will also help with a side ache!

  5. Make sure you not crossing your midline and the pressure during any race should be coming form your legs

  6. RELAX.  Don't think about running, think blank thought.  It makes running so much easier.  Don't think about pain think about how good you are doing in the race.  Think about crossing the finish line.

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