
Problem with the bottom.....What do you think?

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Ok this is a little weird but I wont to know yalls honost opinion.

This does not happen all the time but more than wanted. When Im doing my business in the bathroom (#2) Ive noticed that there is blood

on the toilet paper and even the water is a little pinkish. Its not my time of the month, it is coming from my r****m. I did have a child 3 years ago and I dont recall having this problem before. But sometimes its more than just a little amount of blood. Should I be worried? Any suggestions on what is the cause of this or why this is happening?




  1. I'm not really sure, but I just thought I'd share this..

    A friend of mine had this problem, and after about 2 weeks, she went to the doctor and found out that she had a hemorrhoid, and it actually needed to be surgically removed.  So it might be good to get it checked out.  

  2. My Gf has the exact same problem and recently went to the doctor about it.  It turns out she has upper GI ulcers and may require surgery.  So yes you definitely need to see a doctor.

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