
Problem with tv rf cable connection to antenna?

by  |  earlier

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I'm trying to hook up Mom's tv to her antenna (which looks just like a cable tv connection coming out of the wall) - when I push the pin in the way God intended it doesn't work but when I touch the pin to the OUTSIDE of the f connector or just inside the rim it works fine. I tried different cable with same result. I tried disconnecting it at the rf modulator that she uses for her dvd player, same thing, works when you touch the pin to the connector, nothing when you push the pin in where it belongs. Any ideas?




  1. Best guess is that two things have happened:


    The outer connector isn't grounded. If it goes to an outside antenna this is a safety problem. If it goes to an attic antenna it doesn't matter. You can check the resistance to earth ground (cold water line etc) with a multimeter.


    The center connector has a break somewhere along the line. Could be a splice connector where the center wire is bent over so it doesn't make contact. Or the fault might be at the antenna.

    Or maybe the the other end of the wiring isn't connected to the antenna anymore. In this case the outer shield of the coax in the wall will act like a crude antenna.

  2. Could be the connection on the back of the TV or try putting a new coupling on the the antenna wire, It sounds like a ground problem.

  3. I think you may need to replace the connector, because it is not working how it should. If you can't do that, maybe try stripping some of the wire and wrapping it around the connector until you can get it replaced.

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