
Problem with volleyball coach??.... Help!?

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ok, so i play both bball and vball. and my bball coach has been very tough with me all season and is so mean and yells at me like crazy and mostly picks on me. while my vball coach is so kind and never yells at me and talks nicely to me and say he see's an incredible potential in me. and he lets me play in every single game during the season while my basketball coach lets me play, but takes me out often. (like ever 3 mins)...

(i am very fit! so running is not a prob)... and so when we went to this big tornament in laos, my basketball coach was so kind to me and let me play every minnute of every game and sub me when i ask for it. while my vball coach, only let me play 5 mins out of 5 games that our team was playing....

in our last bball game, we tie the whole game then lost. my bball coach was telling me he was disaapointed too, and i was crying and skip lunch,. he told me he c potential in me, but im not showing it..

so im wondering y sudden one coach let me play more then usual?




  1. Sounds lik your a whiner.  Stop crying for a second and suck it up.  If you want to play sports your going to get yelled at, that's their job.  Maybe if you stop whining and put the whining effort into the game he won't have to yell at you.

  2. Perhaps you are more talented at volleyball than basketball and while your volleyball coach lets you play, your basketball coach thinks the other players on the team are better than you and therefore plays them more.

    Without knowing what age level you're talking about, it's hard to answer this question. If you're on a younger age team, it would be more likely you would get more playing time so you have a chance to develop, but the older you get, the more talent and competition there is between team members and if you aren't as talented as your teammates, you won't get as much playing time.

  3. You're in 8th grade. At that age level it's all about getting everyone playing time equally.  Winning never matters as much as ensuring that everyone has fun. Coaches at that level are told to just ease back so that more players continue to play the sport into high school. Players will not play if they don't have fun. That's why practices are easy and all about fun. This will change.

    Yelling is not a coaches job. If yelling were a viable way to enforce learning, then English and Math teachers would scream at you too.

    Just relax and understand that 8th grade volleyball and basketball don't mean much in the larger scheme of things and the most important thing is your development as a player and a teammate to others.

    Whining about playing time is not being a good teammate. Talk with your coaches, don't whine to them, ask them how you can work harder to get a more meaningful spot on the team. Don't compare yourself to others, that's whining. Like, "Lisa plays more than me, whyyyyy? I'm better than her and she plays more,why don't you like meeee?"

    Whether on the bench or on the court, be supportive of your teammates and cheer them on. Be a spirited leader wherever you end up.

    Also understand, you may be the best player on your Volleyball team in 8th grade, but you may still not make the team at the high school level next year. Your body changes so much that sometimes your coordination suffers. You never know, just work hard, that's the best you can do.

  4. That Volleyball coach is crazy! Just Talk tho the man. Good Luck!

  5. Maybe you just suck.

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