
Problem with white walls and luxurious furniture and bedding...need OPINIONS!?

by Guest67107  |  earlier

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I have a really luxurious bed and duvet:

But the walls in my bedroom are white. Is this going to make everything look bad? I can't paint the walls because I live in an apartment and I'm not allowed to paint. What can I do to make my stuff look better with the white walls? Any tips? Tricks? Come on people! Help a girl out!




  1. I usually think that white makes a place look clean and fresh.  Too add interest, you could put up a valence that matches your duvet and then have sheer curtains in white underneath.   if you can't find a valence to match, use the shams of the duvet to make them.

  2. Hang some nice artwork on the walls.  For a quick fix just find some paint the same color as the red in the bedspread and buy a few canvases.  Problems solved and it would look great.  Also find out cheap art in your local craft store, or you can use fabric inside frames.

  3. My sister moved into an apartment with white walls and she cant paint either. Her color palate is similar to yours except for red, hers is green. She got a huge area rug to bring your eye down to the floor instead of the walls. She incorporated white throw pillows that had tans and greens in it was a mixture to match better.

    I assume because you live in an apartment, your bedroom isnt huge?? You should get lighter tan curtains with a bold red trim.

    something like this

    maybe not with the valance. Hang it up as close to the ceiling as you can to give the room more height and not dwarf the window.

    You have some green and gold in your bedding. You could even get lamp shades with green and gold together with touches of red.

    As for the wall.. If you are able to hang things. I would invest in a really nice full length framed mirror.. something in this style and maybe alittle smaller.. Its sooo great to have. * i have one* It makes your room seem even bigger AND it takes up wall space..that could go on one wall with a small chair on the side of it..

    as for pictures.. I would probably get two, one to go over each night stand.. go classic

    You have a cultured room.. you could frame old maps...something like this

    or you can do photos of your family and friends in nice frames ( that match the hue of the bed) ..this picture doesnt match anything in your room..its just an idea to see how it looks

    You can get a palm tree to put in the corner of your room..

    I hope this gives you some idea =)

  4. The bed and bedding are absolutely beautiful! White walls wont hinder its beauty. Try using the redness in the duvet as curtains. That would tie it all together.

    I love it!

  5. How long are you going to live there?

    I would paint the wall behind the bed one of the colors in the spread.Re-Paint the wall white before you move.

    I've done that many times in the past.

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