
Problem with work - not sure where I stand?

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I rely on public transport to get to and from work. I told my employer at my interview and they agreed to give me appropriate shifts so that I could get there and back via the bus. Two weeks later, and they're already giving me shifts I can't do because I've got no way to get home. I'm supposed to work a close tomorrow, which is until 3am, and the last bus is at 10:15pm. Originally I was told that the shift manager would give me a lift home, but he's now turned around and said he won't and he also won't change my shift. I can't afford to lose my job, I don't know what to do? They won't listen when I try and explain...can anyone give me some advice?




  1. You need to go to the next person in charge, e.g. HR Manager, General Manager, to air your grievances.  Tell them straight - when you were interviewed you made it clear that you could only do certain shifts and were told this would not be a problem.  Now they are moving the goal posts.

    If you get no joy, then you have to decide is the job worth it - truly.  If you've only been there 2 weeks you haven't really got a food to stand on!

    Is there a Union in your work?  If so, go to the Rep and ask their advice.

  2. That's a really tough situation.

    Despite the safety factor and depending on the distance from and to work, have you tried using a bicycle, as it is one alternative, kinda unsafe.

    If you have a nearby friend or family home, ask them if you may rest/sleep until the first bus come to go back home (and ride your bike there as you can also bring your bike on buses normally or walk), unless you need to get home right after work.

    I hope they would listen to you and offer some change!

  3. Can you get a ride with someone else who works that shift? Tell him you will pay for his gas.

    Talk to the person who hired you and explain the problem again.

  4. Don't get fired!Quit!

  5. The BIG problem is the company you work for doesn't care, and doesn't keep promises.

    You really need to find something more workable.

  6. you say"They won't listen when I try and explain...can anyone give me some advice?"

    Yes,I would ask the person who interviewed and hired you "Why" they aren't sticking to the original agreement.

    Then I would fully explain the situation in a letter, showing the timeline and the events ( such as the interview agreement, shift maanger refusal to change shift...)and  give them a copy.

    I would also find out who the owner of the business is, look up the corporate offices of the business ( if there is one) and send a copy to someone higher up.

    I would also call the Department of Business administration amd the Labor Department in your state.

    If they still refuse to give you a shift change, then you will be able to very possibly collect unemployment based based on your attempts to resolve this issue.


    To really get their attention, tell them you need a raise in salary or hourly pay so you can qualify for a Car loan or afford to purchase a car, since the fact that you rely on Public transportation was clearly an condition of employment at the time of hiring.

    Once you give them a written letter of your original agreement,have them sign it.( this time)

    If they still refuse to acknowledge your original agreement then give them a two week notice and start looking for another job.

    Also file for unemployment.


  7. You need to tell them that when you were hired they agreed to make it so that you could take the bus. Find a ride - someone there has to be able to give you a ride. Tell them if they're going to make you work shifts that will leave you stranded, someone needs to be willing to give you a ride.

  8. Unfortunately unless the hours are actually written into your contract there isn't anything you can do. The interviewer may have noted down your preferences but that isn't legally binding. If you miss shifts they will take you through a disciplinery and if you continue, yes they can sack you for absenteeism. Unfortunately you are in a situation where you will have to quit. I interviewed a guy today who had to quit a job he loved due to hours and it's difficult, but you need to make sure before you start a job that you have contracted hours. Best of luck with this.

  9. Call a cab? Do you have a friend who can give you a lift? Make an effort to do it, you've just started working there, ou'll want to give a good impression.... would cab fair be too expensive?

  10. Basically, you haven't really got any rights, and at the end of the day you will end up either resigning or being sacked.

    Here's the thing ... if you're needed to work until 3:00am, then presumably you work in a bar or a cinema or some kind of entertainment venue where late hours are the norm.  Therefore, it isn't going to work for you to not be able to work late hours - it will become to hard for them to schedule you, and other staff will probably become resentful which will be even worse.

    It doesn't really matter what was agreed at interview - presumably it wasn't actually written into your contract.  The other thing is, whilst on your probation you can be fired for virtually no reason anyway, so you really don't have any protection.  They can simply say that you did not have adequate transportation to get to work and therefore were incapable of working - and that's correct, from what you say!

    Yes, you can be fired for not turning up for the one shift.  Once you've completed your probation you usually have to not turn up three times in a row for them to sack you, but once is enough when you're on probation.  What I would suggest is that, if they definitely won't change it, you turn up at your rostered start time but you leave in time to catch your bus so that they can't claim that you simply abandoned your employment.

    However, that's not a long-term solution.  You can't expect never to work late if everyone else does, and you can't be dependent on others for lifts even if they had said they'd give you one, because there could be all sorts of reasons why they can't - maybe they might be off sick, or on holiday, or going out afterwards, or whatever.  So, you need to find a job that is closer to your home and you can get to by walking, or that is 10 miles away but will only require you to work daytime hours.

    BTW some of the Answers on here are rubbish.  To the person that suggested you ask for a payrise - erm, she's been in her job two weeks!  I don't think anyone EVER has got a payrise after just two weeks' employment.

  11. Have a word to your boss about the whole situation and hope that they will compromise. Lack of public transport must be a mitigating factor or you would probably not been able to take the job in the first place. Meanwhile GET A BIKE. 10 miles is nothing especially at night. I hate to say this but when I started work at 15 I cycled 20 miles every day to work in all weathers for the whole of my 5 year apprenticeship.Failing that look into getting a 50cc moped, there are always some for sale 2nd hand and then be ready to buy if you can as soon as you get your first payment. Show your employers that you are also doing what you can to resolve the problem and maybe if you ask and be pleasant about it they will compromise until you get some transport. Best of luck.

  12. try getting a lift from your work employes to drive u to work and to drive u home.

  13. Do you by chance work for a restaurant?  I've had problems similar to this.  Restaurant managers are real jerks.

    This is what I suggest.  Tell them if they don't change your schedule immediately, you will be forced to quit.  Give them one day to fix it.  I wouldn't even bother putting in a two week notice if they don't.  Just walk out in the middle of your shift.  If they can't have respect and consideration for you, then don't give them any.

  14. there's not a lot you can do i don't think...get a taxi home is the best thing i can suggest..sorry

  15. You've been screwed over big time, theres no two ways about it, I'm guessing its a big company you work for, maybe out of town on the suburbs an out of town industrial estate a lot of companies need to pull employees from the town to them to do that they lay on bus runs and free taxi's for the night shift workers to get home.  Tell them that your sticking to your side of the agreement that you were given if its stipulated as an add on in the contact then your safe. But at the same time look for another job, they seem like a right bunch of b******s.  

  16. Did you get a written contract with those conditions? If not, you haven't got a leg to stand on.

    Although luckily you will have two legs to walk home on.

  17. I'm pretty sure I know which company you work for because of the terminology you're using (esp. a close finishing at am). As an ex-general manager with that company I can tell you where you stand. Firstly, ask again to talk to someone about this problem; the most senior manager available, preferably first or second assistant if the store manager isn't available. If this fails again you will need to ring Human Resources; this number should be in the employee handbook you will/should have been given. Explain everything to them and the steps you have taken to resolve this problem. Do you have a copy of your Conditions of Employment? You should have been given one but, if not, ask for a copy ASAP; it is your legal entitlement. Good luck!

  18. That really sucks.  It's obvious they were just leading you into a trap.  If this is a job where there are other branches, transfer.  If not try finding a loyal friend.  My first thought was to go to the manager's manager and do not let it rest.  Another thought was to go to human resources if you have reached your 90 days.

  19. Well, you could have an even worse job:

    So I guess it isn't all bad.

  20. Try sitting down then....

    If there is a problem talk it out with people.

    Tell them that you fell closed off and uncertain of things.

    WIthout communication you'll be stuck in a rut with no way out.

    Best of luck girly

  21. Sorry but it is not up to your work to work around your schedule, it is up to you to work around them since they are the ones paying you.  You say they told you they would work around your bus schedule?  If so, sounds as though they are trying to make you quit............

  22. Take a cab....then in your off time it can be a second job.

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