
Problems?! SOOOO Worried/Nervous?!?

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Hi there,

I currently have a coach who i am working with and i have been finding that she is JUST working on my pony and not me. I know what I need to fix in my riding , but I do need help to advace futher and become a better rider. I am also finding she gets the horse just to work properly but I do believe in the horse & Rider working together to perform well. I realy lik ethe coach I have now except for the way she teaches. ALso how do I tell her that i have found a new coach who I do approve of and that stuff?

I also have high expectations of a coach and this lady met then 50% and i found a new girl who has met them 100%.

It will be harder because the lady I have currently she boards at my barn and I ride oe of her horses for her.

I'm worried she will get mad at me and that stuff?

So how do I tell her that I have found a new coach? WIthout being rude and getting her mad at me?!


Horse Lover




  1. Is there money involved, or is this a ride her horse and she coaches you?

    If you like the way she works with your pony, could you let her do that and still use the other coach in addition?

    You could tell her how much you appreciate her work with the pony, and tell her you prefer to do your riding instruction separately or something like that?

  2. tell her that you've been recommended (by yourself, wink wink) a coach and you want to try her out just for the fun of it. (once you've had a lesson or two with her, then got tell your old coach...) i think i'm going to stick with my new coach now. sorry.

  3. I would use the new girl for 3 or 4 lessons. Then make the decision as to who is better suited to your needs and the needs of your pony.

    Making a hasty decision now could come back and bite you!

    The other decision you should make is, do you tell your current coach that you are trying another coach, or will you keep it quiet??

    Bare in mind, the horse world is pretty small and there is always gossip!!!

    Good luck!

  4. i'd just say that you want to do something "new", a change of pace.  say that you'd like to keep in contact (just incase and to be nice about it).  and thank her for all the help she's provided so far.

    good luck

  5. Do it just say good-bye if you really want to

  6. Before you switch trainers, you should talk to your current coach.  Let her know that you feel you need some training on your riding abilities and would love for her to coach you on how to become a better rider.

    Give her the opportunity to modify her training techniques before you switch to someone else, especially since you ride one of her horses and could lose that privilege if you switch trainers.

    Should you find that your current trainer is not going to help you better your riding skills, talk to her about leasing the horse to use with another trainer before you actually switch trainers.  She may not want you to ride her horse anymore, you never know.

    Find out from the new trainer you are interested in working with, if she has a horse you can ride, should your current trainer decide you cannot use her horse unless she is doing the training.

    I hope this helps.

  7. this happen to my friend but it was about her horse ahe want to use him for lessons but and the person where my friend board wanted him gone but when my friend left she got all mad but dont worry if the place is closer tell her that and i found a new person that i can get better at like ya hope this helps

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