
Problems after wisdom tooth extraction?

by Guest61206  |  earlier

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So I had my wisdom tooth extracted like 2 weeks ago and 3 days after the extraction I got this bubble near where my wisdom teeth was taken out and after it popped, I feel this pointy thing sticking out of my gum




  1. It sounds like the plastic insert they put in to replace the nerve.You need to get back to your dentist right away.

  2. There is this thing call "dry sockets" that can develop after getting wisdom teeth pulled. I think it happens when the cuts on your gums where the teeth were extracted don't heal correctly. It can happen from smoking, or sucking through straws, and some other stuff I can't remember. That's why the doctor's tell you not to drink through straws or smoke for a week or so afterward.

    But the dry sockets are apparently very common. You should go back to your dentist and let him know what's going on and he should be able to fix it relatively easily.

    I'm not sure what the pointy thing is you're could possible be the sutures (stitches) you are feeling...

    Try to leave it alone and not poke at it too much until you can go back to the dentist.

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