
Problems associated with LASIK eye surgery?

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I had LASIK done in 06...Pre-op was fine, was told my eyes were a little dry due to contact lens wear. After the surgery, my eyes were continually dry to the point that when I wake up in the morning it hurts to open them. I go through eye drops like crazy, now my eyes are really sensitive to light, they water all the time, they sting really bad...Don't have health insurance anymore, cannt afford to see doc at this time. Anyone ever had this problem and how did it turn out? Was it inflammation/DLK? Sometimes I wish I never did it.




  1. Wouldn't be DLK unless you had the corresponding decrease in visual acuity.  With the light sensitivity, there definitely could be some low- or mid-grade inflammation, though the nature of that inflammation would  be impossible to diagnose w/o an exam.

    I recommend seeking the help of an optometrist or ophthalmologist to truly diagnose the issue.  In the meantime, try a drop called, "Blink" (not for contacts).  It's new, a little gooey, so it sticks around longer than some other artificial tears.  It's similar in viscosity to restasis.

    FYI--Restasis only works (typically) for ONE of the SIX disease states of "dry eye syndrome."

    One option: make a "follow-up" appointment with your LASIK surgeon.  Often, if you chose a decent surgeon, they will help you out with this issue at no cost.  Chances are, you may be looking at a little bit of time on a mild steroid drop (which hopefully they could give you a sample of).

  2. First, going to an ophthalmologist and getting a proper diagnosis of the CAUSE of your dry eye is essential to treatment- the way you treat, and the successes you might receive from, your eyes directly relates to the cause of your own dry eye.

    Second, are you using preservative free single-use artificial tears? As someone with dry eye, it is absolutely 100% no questions ESSENTIAL that you use preservative-free tears that come in SINGLE DOSE vials, if you're buying drops from a drug store. That is an absolutely essential change you need to make.

    Third, I personally strongly suggest the eye drop called 'dwelle' which is not sold in drug stores but can be purchased through - this drop has been a lifesaver for me. To a great extent, I think that it's promoted healing and I'm using it less and less instead of more and more. I would very, very strongly suggest buying the combo pack from that shop- dwelle has, for me, split my eye drop use in half and greatly increased my comfort levels.

    I cannot suggest more as a sort of 'intro to' guide to living with dry eye. Take it's suggestions to heart, especially the one about interacting with the dry eye community!

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