
Problems at a new high school? Help?

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So I moved to a new state this past summer and I've started school and all, and there's some really awesome kids that I've met that are really cool. But there's some people (girls mostly) that have been writing in my Honesty Box on facebook saying, "GO BACK TO WHERE EVER YOU CAME FROM!" and all sorts of stuff like that. I mean, it seems like people don't like me very much because they say I'm getting some attention that is messing everything up. I'm not a bad person and most certainly not a hoe like mostly all these girls are. I don't know what to do about this? They don't even know me and they think I'm a terrible stuck up snob that only cares about myself...but I know truly know that I'm not like that way at all.




  1. Hey baby cool ! don't get diverted your self , You need not to bother for all these things.Pay attention on you goal  , They all are  just jelious  to you and idots, you need not to do any thing ,just be cool.

  2. Ugh. this happens to me all. the. time.

    They are jealous. They feel that you are messing things up. They are blaming you for things being different. And maybe they are different because you are there? So what? I say try and win them over. Show them that you are not the snob they think you are. And if that doesn't work then forget about them, no matter where you go there is bound to be a few people that don't like you. But if they don't like you it just means that they don't know you. And if you moved to a small town then its just because you are the "new girl in town" and that's like a big deal in small towns. Just wait, the attention will fade in due time. Just have fun with the kids that are nice and cool towards you. They are the people worth knowing in the long run.

  3. They are jealous, all you need to do is laugh at them while standing tall in your glory.  

  4. After a while the attention will go down

    and they will leave you alone

    so there is really nothing you can do.

  5. Well they are probably jealous especially in around the senior and junior year of high school people like to pick on the new kid and mess with their head maybe because thats how they were treated when they were a freshman so they think its better to treat the new kid (you) mostly. Its really hard to get used to it and fit in but you are becoming a Senior almost into college its time for some growing up so if they keep on doing that then thats their loss they will keep on acting like little kids for the rest of their life but if I were in your pov. (point of view)

    I would just ignore them maybe say something back like "grow up you guys go tease someone else if your that desperate but teasing me is just wasting your time" thats what I would say but if this keeps getting worse then show them that your not the concieded person they think you are. Maybe they will start seeing the real you and like it.

    Good Luck if you need any more advice then just holler at me on yahoo.


  6. These happend to me too,i was in jordan and now im in dubai,there was bunch of people didnt stop saying that and i started saying bad words on them back,but dont do like me,i made a realy huge problem i smashed a big matini bottle on his head :S,i know how weird is that.

    any ways its good that yu are using facebook go to privacy and block them all.

  7. just ignore them and if they say something that bothers you, stand up for yourself. i had the same problem when i moved 2 years ago. i started getting all this attention cuz i was the new girl and then all these people started im-ing me telling me to move back and telling me that i think that im better than everyone else when they didnt even know anythin about me. i think those girls are jealous of you. i mean they dress and act like hoes to get attention and then you come in not trying to get noticed but you get more attention than them anyway. it makes sense. you already met people that you like so start hangin out with them and stop focusing on the haters. good luck

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