
Problems in Peru??

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I have a homework assignment in which I have to explain the cause that I would donate my money to in Peru. I've done research but I can't find enough information to write my report. I read about some ant problem and I also know that there is a lot of poverty in Peru. Does anyone know what problems that I could write about, or give me information on the two that I mentioned? Thanks.




  1. Amiga... The main problem in Peru is the education!!! I know it sounds insane but that's the truth. Peru needs better teacher, and a higher level of education (especially in the sierra). For instance, I personally think that Business should be a course in every Peruvian school. Why? because this way the Peruvians as well as Peru will increase their economy...I hope you get the idea..!!

    Good Luck

  2. O BOY.  Do I have a LOT of answers for you! My daughter and I were in Peru for a month in 2006, and when we returned, we even formed our own charity for Peruvian causes.  See our website at where   you can read about some of the needs they have.  We also met several non-Peruvians and worthy Peruvians who are doing wonderful, selfless works there.  We are forming affiliations with those whom we know and can vouch for their integrity.  Two of these are Andean Outreach Program, run by two American volunteers we met in Peru, and Peru Luz de Esperanza, run by a young Peruvian couple who have moved to a poor town in the Andes to serve children.  Also, two others with good reputations are Andean Travel Web, which is not a travel agency but an advisory, and Piccola Locanda.  Both these groups are in Cuzco, Peru.  You can find them online.  If you would like more information on these and other volunteer organizations, their websites will have a wealth of information for you.  I am a teacher in a local high school and my teacher friends have been raising money in their classes for our charity.  It is truly a heartwarming experience.  With the current exchange rate, $20 USD is enough to buy 400 pencils in Peru.  Money sent there increases almost exponentially, and a little help from us does wonders there.  Thank you so much, and gracias for your interest in Peru.  Our world needs more students like you and more teachers like yours who are willing to learn about the needs of others.

  3. Here are encyclopedia articles on Peru. Hopes that helps.

  4. After more than 10 years of guerrilla war in the 80s, Peru is still fighting against poverty. There are still many basic problems to solve, under my point of view, the most important related to lack of schooling . Hundreds of young children can not go to school since they have to work everyday on the streets.

    There are some institutions that promote their studies with special programs. Good luck and thanks.

  5. I am peruvian and living in Peru. Let me tell you we don't have an ant problem here and there is equal amount of poverty here as there is in any country in the world (including the USA). What you can write about is al the historical sites we have here (Machu Pichu in Cuzco, Señor de Sipan in Lambayeque) and that our biggest problem is that we have these magnificent historical places like ruins, etc and we do not have the money to further investigate them. Two years ago,a team of Dutch discovered the oldest city in America: Caral. This is here in Peru but because the country cannot give money to archaeology, we cannot undig all these superb treasures full of gold and gems.

    Also, you can also write about our Amazon jungle and how the world is suffering due to internatonal companies who came and chop trees and burn wood destroying habitats and limiting the amount of oxygen in the world.

    If you want to donate money (in your essay, of course) do it to preserve the amazon jungle.
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