my sister will be 18 in a few weeks...when she was born diagnosed with benign cogential hypotonia (low muscle tone) and for some reason is neurologically developmentally delayed. she had years of occupational and physical therapy. and is in special ed. i think she is very smart, but the way my parents have raised her and secluded her has turned her worse than she could be i feel.
my dad does everything for her, runs her bath, gives her her medicine, clears her plates from the table, etc, when she is VERY capable of it; she voluntarily does it for relatives; helps them out at home w/o being asked.
she doesnt process things welll and is disctracted easily and takes medicine for ADD. but if shes told to get dressed she wont so she is constantly yelled at. i dont know why she doesnt get dressed or do things in an even somewhat timely manner, but itll take her 25 min to put clothes on most of the time. does anyone have a child like this? with this sort of behavior?