
Problems w/ kids at school?

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My daughter was pushed down on the stairs yesterday and has a big bruise on her leg. She doesn't know the name of the boy who did it - but she knows that he's in one of the special bussed-in classes.

I've been vocal (but not mean) about this program - that our school is already crowded and this particular group of boys has had behavioral problems since day 1.

How do I complain to the school, without sounding discriminatory?




  1. I would leave the school. It has terrible behavior as you can see. See I used to go to a PRIVATE school and no one ever bullied anyone. Also you should ask the school baord. That could help but plainly i would just leave the school. TERRIBLE BEHAVIOR! It shows bad examples for children.

  2. you need to contact the school board .   that's what i do and i see results quicker ! you have to stay on them call and write letters. until they get it Thur there thick skulls. (schools officials, ) teacher, Principal etc....


  3. ugh i hate when they do that, they really should have a separate school. it's not like they will ever be totally "normal" so why subject regular kids to them

  4. I would either call the the dean of discipline (if there is 1) or call the Principal. Tell him or her EXACTLY what happened and describe in detail any bruising, etc. What happened to your daughter is WRONG and it needs to be taken care of. In this day and age kids are getting away with everything and it makes me sick!

  5. i dont know how old your daughter is, but if she is younger  like first/second grade, i've known great young boys do this. they have pent up energy and need to get it out and they do things like this to girls...often who they like.   so dont jump to the fact that this boy may be dangerous or anything.  i dealt with something similar, found out who it was and was able to meet with the parents along with the principal.  they were extremely nice, listened to me and obviously spoke to their son about it .  everything worked out and everyone's dignity was intact.  we have to remember these are kids...

    hope it works out

  6. That is foul behavour.

    The fact you dont want to discriminate and the way you worded that question gives me enough confidence in you that you will be able to talk to somone at the school in the way you want to deal with the situation.

    You dont need to worry about it you seem to have the right mentality about the incerdent. The boy is still a boy and proabley wants to be treated like any other boy this this situation, so do so and get it sorted in the right way. He may well thankyou someday.

  7. Don't bring up the fact that he was one of the bussed in students.  Your daughter could find out his name from asking around and you could go armed with that information.   Names are not discriminatory.

  8. Just write a letter to the head master explaining the issue and ask if he could look into it for you, he will talk to your daughter and probably ask her to identify the boy next time the visit occurs, the head master can then take appropriate action :o)

  9. It's your law abiding right to complain to administrators of  this class.Some school officials never know what's going on unless the parents reported it.Use your rights !!!!! Have a parent ,teacher,student, Principal conference and involve the school  in security for the children.Seems like no one was really watching the kids on  that incident and the way it was handled.Discriminatory has nothing to do with this incident,SPEAK YOUR MIND,Good luck.

  10. I would definitely call and discuss this with the principal, but this isn't about the program, it is about one boy and what he did to your daughter.  It probably wouldn't be appropriate to use what one boy did against the entire program.

    If the other children are behaving that way and there are enough complaints the school will look into its liabilities, but using one child's behavior as part of your reasoning you could discredit your whole argument.

  11. I would start by going to the principle. If I didnt get the answer that I wanted then I would go to the school board and raise h**l there.

    Hope this helps.

  12. I have learned if it is happening to her it could be happening to someone else.  I don't know why a teacher or someone didn't do something about it. Right away it si easy to figure out. The school could have her point out the boy.

    With matters like this I prefer to go in. I always plan for a wait. I never have to because I am at a good school.  My daughters are pretty. When boys like them what do they do? Knock them down or push them. The put someone in the places things happen. They also are good about notifying teachers of problems so they can all look out for them. But first you have to start with talking to the classroom teacher and principle. If that doesn't work then you move up in rank and go to school and watch what is going on.

    I had a problem with an aid helping my daughter. I did the flouride treatments in school which happened to be the same time she would be getting help from that aid. Needless to say the aid was fired for the way she treated my child. So sometimes you just have to go and watch to see what is happening.

    As far as your daughters feelings. I am so sorry this happened to her. I hope it doesn't happen again. If it does tell her to tell her teacher right away.

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