
Problems wiping after themselves after bowel movement?

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my son who is 9. he is adhd but i am not sure if it makes a difference. Will not wipe his butt thoroughly. It drives me nuts. I thought he would grow out of it and it would get better but it has not. He sees it as disgusting. Granted its true but i tell him the dangers of not doing this which makes no difference. Any suggestions.




  1. Believe it or not, he will grow out of it.  One day, he is going to smell something and realize its him.  He will then keep his butt clean.

    Give him some cheap throwaway gloves.  My nephew had the same problem, he worried about it getting on his hands.  It still took him realizing the dogdoo smell he thought was on someone's shoe was actually him because he didn't wipe properly.

    LOL, you could almost see the lightbulb.  He's grown now, still a slob, clothes on the floor and all,  but a very body clean slob.

  2. I have a stepdaughter who is 7.  

    I'm not sure what the issue is here.  I'm guessing ADHD isn't to blame, my stepdaughter doesn't have ADHD.

    But does have problems in the bathroom.  Ends up going in her pants more often than I'd like to admit...  Doesn't wipe properly even more times.  Trust me, we've shown her how to wipe.  We've told her to go to the bathroom faster.  We've yelled, we've talked, we've punished....we've done everything.

    Here's what we do now.  1.  Tell ourselves she'll grow out of it.  I really really really don't think this will be happening when she gets married.  :)  2.  If she has an accident or there are marks in her underwear, she cleans them out herself.  I give her access to Shout spray and whatnot.  3.  Give her the wet wipes I know there is Kandoo and Huggies Clean Team for little kids.  If that embarrasses your son, there is the Kleenex brand for adults.  And then antibacterial soap to wash hands with afterwards.  

    And probably most important - we keep telling ourselves that ours is NOT the only kid out there with these issues.  :)  Hang in there!

  3. Think its a major boy issue, My boys are like that Im always throwing undies away.

    Have you tried the kandos or even the adult version of wet wipes.

    I give my eldest boy a handy pack to take to school with him.

    Other then that try the punishing approach speak to your child and say its not very clean, and if he dosnt take more care when going toilet he will lose sum spends or something?

    Sorry I no its a delicate issue but he will eventually grow out of it.

    Good luck

  4. Try getting some of those flushable wipes for kids. They also have the foaming hand soap for kids. I liked the suggestion of disposable gloves that he can wear since he thinks it is disgusting. Clorox wipes in the bathroom are a must when you have kids. I always use them on the toilet, sink, door handle etc, between cleanings.

  5. He sounds like 100% of all other kids.

  6. ur kid has issues

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