
Problems with My Yahoo!?

by  |  earlier

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For the last two months or so, almost consistently, I have been having a problem with My Yahoo. If I am not logged in and go to, I get a page error if I try to sign in. If I am logged in, I get a generic page with the message "Hey, where's my page? Sorry, we have run into a temporary problem retrieving your page. The page you're seeing now is a guest page. Please try again later for your page." I have had this happen using Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Konqueror on Windows XP and Kubuntu 6.10, so it is not the browser. Anyone else having these issues?




  1. Ur account has perhaps expired!Mail Yahoo n tell them ur prob perhaps they can help.

  2. I have the same problem.  The answer suggesting the account expired is incorrect, Yahoo accounts NEVER expire, at least as long as you use them.

    Somehting else is going on.

  3. Me too

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