
Problems with Neighbors!?

by  |  earlier

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i have the worse neighbors that you could think of. In the house next door there are 4 kids. Last night, the father was working night shift and the mother was sleeping while 2 of the kids snuck out around 3AM. One is 10 and the other is 16 years old. There was also a few friends of the 10 year old who are very bad kids. So around 3 in the morning I started to hear noise coming from them. I heard glass breaking and a lot of other things smashing. So around 5AM I looked out the window and the neighbors kids and their friends put trash and ripped up papers all over my front lawn. The friends were still outside and throwing trash around. My brother then told me that they were going in our recycling bin and smashing the glass bottles on our front lawn and out in the street. They also took rocks from our yard and threw it on the lawn. I was also told that they were talking about throwing firecrackers throgh our windows

I was shocked to see such a thing and still can't believe anyone would do such a thing. The mother slept through the whole thing and I called the cops. The cops had them clean it up but would not press charges. They did file a report though.

Is there anything else I should do about this incident?




  1. Not for now. Just monitor their behaviour and report any weird or critical incidents like this one to the cops again. They'll figure out then what to do.

    Hope this helps

  2. Yes there is. Contact your local S.R.S child protection agency iimmediately. Tell them exactly what is going on. If you are required to fill out a report form,do so.

      These kids are completely out of control and somethinghas to be done before this bunch hhurt tshemselves or hurts some one else because what they are doing could well progress into something much worse. Good luck

    and i hope you can get really bad situation


          Walter C.

  3. It seems to have been a one time incident since the kids master minding the whole thing were their friends. The father was apologetic so wait to see if another incident happens again. He seems to be the disciplinarian in that house. Kids will be kids but the parents have to reign them in and it seems like he's trying.

    You've done all you need to do.

  4. You got to go straight to the parents. There the one responsible for the kids. Even if the deny of defend there kids like most parents do. You still need to address the issue. Then if it continues, continue to call the cops. Sooner or later the kids we have it coming more then they REALLY want.

  5. You have done just about all you can do, just be prepared to call the cops again as this sort of thing is very likely to happen again.

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