
Problems with PH level in pool?

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I have a 16x32 inground vinyl liner pool thats 23,000 gallons. I have been trying to bring up the ph for 3 days. When i started it was at 6.8, so far I have added 24 lbs of ph increaser and the ph is still at 6.8. Whats going on. Do I just need to keep adding or what. My TA is at 160 and stabilizer/conditioner is at 40ppm.




  1. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!!

    I think #1 is saying this.  Your TA is on the high side and is really the thing you need to deal with first since high TA buffers the pH and keeps it from changing.  You need to weigh the cost adjust it versus changing the water in your pool.  I have found most people have no idea how much their pool water costs, usually one months water bill.  $70 to fill an average pool in Southern California, but 23,000 gallons is about double our pools.  The question to ask is what is the TA and pH of your tap water and is this the source of the pool water?  If your pH is 8.0 and TA of 100 then there is your answer!

    Answer #2 deals with damage or wrinkles to your vinyl liner from draining and refiling it.  Water is heavy.  What do you folks do to replace water?  In our gunite pools all we worry about is not draining the pool when you have high water tables to not float the pool out of its hole!  Usually drain, fix and refill pronto will do it.

    I suppose you could drain 2 feet then replace, test, drain two feet replace test and so on until you see what you want.

    You're welcome!!

  2. I read previous answer and just wanted to say - whatever you do, don't drain that vinyl lined pool!  Unless you want to buy a new liner, leave it filled.  You will never get the liner back into shape.

    It is true that the total alkalinity should be adjusted before you can fix the ph and you use bicarbonate of soda for that which you can buy at Sam's Club in a large bag (Arm & Hammer) and it is a lot cheaper than what you would buy from the pool supply store for exactly the same chemical.

  3. Soda ash raises PH soda by-carbonate raises alkalinity. I know this because I managed a pool company for 7 years and took care of high maintenance pools 50+ people in a pool a day. If your alkalinity bottoms out under 80 parts per million due to too much usage or too much acid your pH will bottom out. No amount of ash will raise it until you raise the alkalinity. Now here is a little trick that we use in the industry here in Vegas, that all the chemical companies won't tell you. Once your water loses its stability it is cheaper to drain it and refill it then spend hundreds of dollars to treat it with chemicals. On top of which you know have clean water, chemical free for you and your family to swim in.

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