
Problems with a friend... kind of? Need help.?

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Problems with a friend... kind of? Need help.?

Ok so a while a go I was walking out of the school beside my friend and she had another friend on the other side of her. We will my friend "Cindy" and her friend "Jane". So I was talking to Cindy and then all of a sudden Jane asked me if I was g*y. Now I have no problem with g*y people but it is kind of insulting to be asked if I am g*y because it means I have done something to make me seem g*y. So anyways I answered no and she said "oh" and then her and Cindy just walked off. That was what basically made me uncomfortable, how Jane just walked off. So after that I just kind of tried to avoid her because I didn't feel comfortable. The next her first period class had to come into my first period because their teacher was late. Just my luck, she sat right behind me. I heard some of what she and her friends were saying and I think I heard her say that she was g*y. This was extremely surprising just because I had no idea.

*Fast forward a little bit*

I saw her a couple of times after that and when she said hello or tried to start a conversation with me I would just say hi and try and find something to end the conversation. After a while I started feeling guilty because I realized that she only asked me a question and I overreacted. I wanted to just start talking to her again to let her know that we were cool but everytime she tries to talk to me I get nervous and try and get away as quickly as possible. I'm starting to feel really guilty and I just want to be able to talk to her without freaking out. I don't know why but I've become parinoid lately.





  1. your situation like this..just act normal.  You still have other friends don't you.  Follow your heart.  If you don't feel like to talk to her then don't.  But don't ignore her.  Just be yourself.  Ok...

  2. Jane was out of line to ask, "Are you g*y?" especially in front of Cindy. How is it any of her business to ask such a personal question? If you feel uncomfortable around her, she brought it upon herself by being rude and pushy. This is more about manners and her abrupt and intrusive question to you.

  3. well ur kinda being stupid to start ending the the convo right away.

    i mean so what if u get nervous if u really want to talk to her then do it right then. dont be dumb and walk away.

  4. don't be parinoid just be urself and don't be afraid to say who you are.

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