
Problems with a girl.?

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There is this girl I like in my class. She knows that I like her but she doesn't belive in a girl asking out a boy. We sit next to each other in science. What should I do?




  1. So ask her out. :)

    If you don't soon, she might move on and you will never know how she felt about you!

    The worst thing that can happen is that she says no, and you can get over that by saying "I was only joking!" :P

  2. I knew this one girl who asked my friend out.

    Jst ask her out OK.Don't be scared.

  3. ask her out, i dont believe the girl should be the one doing the asking, if she means that much to u ask her before its too late.

  4. ask HER silly

  5. wtf?????

    do you go to susky??


    if this really is him..

    idk what to say

    because I like this guy

    and his name is robert

    and he sits next to me in science class!



    Nevermind, he talks to me all the time.

  6. Tell her to stop sitting next to you because you think she smells. That will show her you're cocky and funny.

  7. talk to her and when you're friends, ask her out
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