
Problems with blackberry pearl?

by  |  earlier

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I have a blackberry pearl and I can control all volume levels but for the life of me I can't get the received text messages to switch to vibrate or even lower volume wise. Help its really annoying!




  1. ok all phones like that suck. Get an env or voyager, they are so much better

  2. I have a pearl too. I've had nothing but problems with it since I got it. I know A LOT of other people who had issues with this phone as well. I'm getting a new one soon. You should too b/c once the problems start with this phone, they don't go away.

  3. Try to visit this website I just came across, you may find many useful tips & tricks for Blackberry Pearl , hopefully may help you:


  4. Hi,

    had similar problems, but after a bit of fiddleing, this is what i came up with.

    On the main menu, go to profiles, scroll down to advanced (right down the bottom) then you can select whichever profile you want (probably normal) then scroll down to SMS and you can control everything.

    so in simple form:




    and then customize your bottom off.

    Good luck.

    oh and don't give up like some have hinted at, they aren't just a cell phone, and although they may take a bit of extra getting used to, it's always worth it.

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