
Problems with ebay? cannot get it to let me advertise my ford galaxy?

by  |  earlier

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i want to sell my car. the account fees are all paid but ebay wont let me sell anything. i set up a sellers account a couple of weeks back and sold some vehicle parts of my husbands and now it wont let me advertised anything else. the web page says at the top registration error and when i click on ready to sell it just keeps recirclating over and over the same thing. can anyone give any advice on how i can sell on there? has anyone else ever had this problem? thanks in advance




  1. There is one thing that comes immediately to mind. Do you have a current credit card registered?

    I had a similar problem recently and it was due to the fact that i balance transferred and i had forgotten to give them my new credit card details and my old card had expired.

  2. First of all contact eBay about this problem.

    But dont just leave it at that- advertise on other sites in the mean time - you may get orders in the process, who knows.  There is - allowing services & products.

    TIP: The key is to promote where you can; picking and choosing is NOT always the best idea.

  3. Sell your ford galaxy on MarketWall:

    MarketWall is a free site for selling locally.

  4. You say that your fees are paid but have you checked in your seller account to see that the balance is clear?  It can take some time between your payment being made and the money actually being applied to your seller account (if you see what I mean).

    Do you have an automatic method set up to pay your fees (PayPal, direct debit, credit card), because if not, you can only accrue £15 in selling fees at which point a temporary block will be applied to your account until you pay (which ties in with the above).

    If you keep seeing the same message, try clearing your cookies and temporary internet files.

    Can't think of anything else to suggest at the moment other than to say that eBay is always full of 'glitches' so it might be worth trying again another time.

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