
Problems with eyeglasses...?

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New glasses seem to strain my eyes to the point it affects my vocal cords and sinuses. The glasses also cause alot of tension in my neck and give me migrains. Has anyone ever experienced this? If so, what can I do to help this. Also, is it possible to be allergic to the lenses?




  1. Go back to the eye dr.s office and ask an optician to measure the OC Height (ifs its a single vision pair) and make sure its aligned with your pupil.  If its a multi focal lense, no line bifocal, better known as progressive, ask them to measure the SEG Height and make sure its DIRECTLY over your pupil. And that the axis is straight and the rx is correct.  If your still having problems, see the eye dr.

  2. Just maybe their too strong or not strong enough go back to the eye doctoir and tell him the problem

  3. maybe you got the wrong perscription. i would go back to the eyedoctor and see what they have to say. call them first and tell them what you are feeling and then if you need to actually go there and have them check it out =]

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