
Problems with mom, what should I do?

by  |  earlier

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See, I haven't been doing anything this summer at all but staying home. My sisters have all done something or another this whole summer, and I, nothing. The reason is this is because my older sister, went for this program where you had to pay $300, but my dad wouldn't pay for me because he doesn't want to pay $600 for both of us. My other sisters went for day camp everyday but they're younger than me and I don't want to play with elementary grade level kids. [I'm 14 by the way.] So my cousins come over from London and they aren't the best people to want to talk to or have anything to do with.

So I want to go to my friend's house to sleep over, and well my mom said no, just because we have people over. ALL THESE PEOPLE DO IS STAY IN THE HOUSE ALL DAY. I don't want to be compelled to stay in the house just because they do. I am very courteous to them and everything, and I want to leave for just two days and my mom says no, LIKE THESE PEOPLE CAN'T FUNCTION BY THEMSELVES. I've been to this friends house several times to sleep over. And it is really not fair because all of my siblings and my friends seem to go out but me. I've already expressed to my mom that I haven't done anything this summer and she knows that. But she's acting like I'm five. I'm fourteen. And I mean, not that I'm grown or really mature or anything, but sometimes she'll let me go out by myself, and then sometime's she'll treat me like a newborn. Any suggestions? And thanks for reading this long explanation.




  1. well, you have family over, you're supposed to hang out with them no matter how boring they are.

  2. just  talk  to  them

  3. Cant you wait till they leave for you to go to your friends? Do this for your mum.

  4. Ok lol so you have to say that you need some time to be with your friends, some solitude, if you will. i'm 14 too.  happens alot to me too. but i tell my mom that i'm 14 now, and i'm entitled to my alone time. i hope this helps.

  5. I remember those days. You're at that age where your mom is not comfortable letting you go out by yourself but you're no a baby. I know it's hard, wanting to go out and do things but not having the freedom to do so. Unfortunately, you have to listen to your mom or it may make things a lot worse for you. Why not suggest a girl day where you, your friends, and either your mom or a friend's mom goes out and do girl things like going to the nail salon, shopping, out for lunch, or catch a movie. Good luck!

  6. Try explaining to her it's not fair, like "Put yourself in my shoes, If I was in charge what if I made you stay here? I'm only asking for 2 days out of the whole summer."

  7. For one thing, you sound a lot more mature than your mother. It makes sense that you should be keeping your relatives company while they're here, but they're here for so long. And they don't do anything, it really doesn't make sense for you to sit at home and do nothing with them. Well, since you're only 14, and you really can't say anything otherwise to your mom, just make the best out of it. Try to bring your relatives to tourist attraction areas and try to have a good time. Good luck.

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