
Problems with mom PLEASE help

by Guest58438  |  earlier

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only about ten minutes ago my mom told me not to ask her to bring me any where again or ask her to do anything for me again because of how disrespectful mattitude is toward hher. My attitude is only disrespectful toward her because of how disrespectful her actions are to me she is really nice to my older and also my younger sister(middle of three girls) she will go out of her way to do any and everything for them but when it comes to me she makes me rely om my dad for everything who is a really busy man and cant do mmost of the things i ask and on top of that he will be taking a job in to months where he will spends four weeks away and two weeks home and i have no idea what i am going to do with out him because it will be very similar to living on my own but not having to buy Nessisaties Please give me any sudgesttions on how to keep calm about my mom treating my sisters better(does it having anything to do with me being the middle child) also any sudgestions on how to fix my relationship with her




  1. No matter what you and your mom go thorugh you will always be the daughter and she will always be your mother through thick and thin the good times and the bad. i go through the same thing at home, just dnt stress it you dont always know what kind of day your mom is having and how shes feeling on the inside. But shes jus preparing you for the real world and being responsible. But just be independent moe around the house and she'll start to do more for you .But dnt stress it to much its just going to make the situation worse

  2. best advice, no matter how much "attitude" your mother gives you, don't give it back. Show her your much more of a person by not stooping to her level.

  3. Apologize to her first, then tell her you feel left out, and that's the reason you've been acting disrespectful Then find out from her how you can improve your relationship. There is never an acceptable time to disrespect your parents! feel free to tell your mom when you're not happy with something she said or  the way she's treating you. If that fails you may need to bring in some outside resources. You should not have to grow up in a hostile environment

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