
Problems with my 17 year old sister!!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok my sister has a boyfriend who's 20 and shes 17 my dad dosent let her go out with him.. shes b*****s alot that she is old enough to go out with him but my dad says he will call the police on him is it wrong what my dads doing or what my sister is doing...




  1. I agree with your dad he is so right she is wrong

  2. both  kinda

  3. Neither of them are "wrong".

    What your sister is doing is dangerous but an expression of her "freedom" or rather, the freedom that she'd like to have. Basically it's her way of rebelling, trust me, I've been there.

    And your dad is being a normal parent. Trying to protect his "little" girl. Everything seems fine in that circumstance. =)

    Best wishes!  

  4. as long as she is under 18 and he is over 18, your dad is in the right. He can file statutory rape on him if he catches them doing anything. It's best that she just wait it out until she is 18, then he can't file any charges on him since she will be of legal age.

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