
Problems with my dad....

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Ok I'm totally lost and don't know what to do. My dad is constantly getting mad at me because he says I have an attitude. We've had this problem for like 3 yrs now. Whenever I get mad at him or irritated or annoyed he takes it as me having an attitude. I'm the kind of person where if I'm angry I can't hold it in. It's so hard. He is so furious with me over this. He said he never knows how I'm going to act or what mood I'm going to be in when he gets home. I know I do have an attitude some times but I feel like I can't even get angry with him AT ALL without him getting mad right back at me. It's unfair because I feel like I'm a teenager and I'm moody and I have a right to be mad at him when he does something to make me feel that way. It's like I have to be this happy cheery person all the time or else I get in trouble. This time is serious though. He said he's finished, he's done. I'm scared. Idk what to do. I've said I'm sorry too many times. Idk where to start, what to say to fix this. I'm sick of always apologizing. It's not fair. He has NEVER apologized to me for ANYTHING EVER. And knowing that makes it everything 10x harder. I feel like I'm the one who always apologizes. Idk. I need some advice on how to cover up my anger and how to fix this problem........I'm lost and this is my dad. I love him and I don't want it to be like this forever.....




  1. If you can not talk it out with him try to write him a letter. Outline your feelings, concerns and what you would to see happen. Ask him to do the same.  See if the 2 of you can come to a mutual agreement on what is and is not acceptable.  

  2. yeah, well, listen to a dad. your dad's right. oh, you have a RIGHT to be angry at somebody whenever you feel like it and vent your inability to deal with reality on an innocent person? that's a RIGHT?  you must live in a pretty ugly country where that's a RIGHT. maybe you should seek some help in a) controlling your 'right' to be angry and vent whenever you 'feel' like it. b) learning about how your actions influence others, and maybe some people don't believe in your 'RIGHT' to pollute their emotional sphere with your garbage. try learning about eliminating your garbage yourself in positive ways, instead of crapping in your dad's porridge every time you feel like throwing a hissy fit. the reason you get angry is because you don't have the patience, consideration, or compassion to deal with things that don't please you without resorting to anger. like a little baby throwing a tantrum whenever it doesn't get it's candy. if you want to avoid never having a friend in your life, you should learn to get rid of these habits, like, ten years ago.

  3. Hey me and my dad have the same complete relationship like you and your dad do.

    (we don't even have a relationship barely i count on my mom)

    but the best you can do is give him room. Just give him time to think. Stay clear of him.



  4. you can not solve this problem by yourself unless you know that the problem comes only or mostly from your side. I think you should ask a third, neutral person to help you. I must say this is a big step that you recognize the problem and want to do something about it,  your father should be proud of you . Good luck!  

  5. Reading your post, I felt as if you were describing my dad during my growing up. So I assume you're dealing with a somewhat self-centered & intolerant personality. I'm sorry I don't have a simple answer to offer. See if you can find a professional counselor (therapist, psychologist) to talk to. 'Cause you're gonna end up doing so anyhow sooner or later.  

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