
Problems with my mom?

by Guest21281  |  earlier

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I know this is long winded but hear me out:

My mom ALWAYS has to be right. and when someone else suggests another way she gets all snappy and says things like "fine maybe i just wont say anything anymore". shes very quick tempered. even if i joke on the littlest thing she gets mad and it was meant to be funny ( any other person would think it was funny). shes a REALLY great mom most of the time but its just the little things that get on my very last nerve. me and my dad have both tried to talk to her and it always ends up with us yelling at eachother and not wanting to talk to eachother because she says such insanly stupid things. she doesn't want to hear what we have to say. I HATE IT. i can't even talk to her about it.

what should i do?




  1. I'm sorry. Has she always been like this? If it hasn't she could just be going through a lot of stress. Has anything bad happened that you know of?  

  2. you should drug ur mom or something..haha sux for you..srry!

  3. Would she take it better if one of her friends just casually mentioned it to her? If you will be gone for awhile maybe if you could put it in a letter and leave the letter for her to read and think over while you are gone.

  4. Try going with out talking to her for a couple of days. When she takes notice and ask why your not talking to her tell her that its her attitude and lack of sense of humor. Sounds like she's on the defensive side.

  5. well wat i tink you and your dad should do is talk to some more like a sister of ur mom's or mayb a counseller. tell them the problem  along with your mom there let tin her know u guyz really feel.try really hard for her not to get all upset n thing.

  6. Typically her behavior stems from insecurity.  Perhaps she is not comfortable in her own skin.  Is she under stress, sudden weight gain, hit a milestone birthday, or perhaps your dad has "cheated" or has shown signs of looking at other women.

    You can stay calm and remember that your behavior may trigger her bitchyness.  Same goes for your father.  If neither of you can admit to wrong doing, start from there.  Ask you mom directly what makes her mad.

    define the problem (not the symptoms), agree to a solution, then excute the plan.  have a meeting every week like Sunday Dinner to catch up on your lives and goals.

  7. Somehow just put up with it since we all have our own flaws.  

  8. It sounds like she may be going through the change(menopause)

  9. arrange to sleepover at a friends house

    and leave her a note explaining how u feel before u go

    then she cant argue with u about what u wright down

    and shel have time to cool down if she gets annoyed about it because ur not there

  10. We dont know whether u live with her, that makes a big difference, cause if u dont, then u can just not be around so much.

  11. same with me and my old man.. know what i do?

    keep my mouth shut. always works.

    dont hate her though, she's still your mom

  12. Every mom is like that i once called my mom a bug she went crazy {kinda embarrassing to tell but a mom is a mom and just deal with i t

  13. Parents take the road of tough love with their children in order to teach them lessons to life, who says you can reverse the tables? If you really find yourself at a standstill with her just don't deal with it. When she eventually asks you why you aren't talking to her as much or if you have problems tell her you are just sick of her reacting the way she does and rather just not deal with it. Good luck.  

  14. My mum is the same, easiest way to get through it. Go out with your friends...all day every day, i make as little contact with my parents as possible.,and going through,family problems..the household has been extremely tense and i cant stand it so i just need to avoid my whole family

  15. is her house, she can do whatever she pleases.

  16. I have a family member the sameway. We just talk to them when we have to. Anyway since you can't talk to her about maybe you could have her read what you wrote on here and the responses to it. Maybe one or all will let her know whats wrong in your mother-daughter relationship.My mom is like that she has to be right or know it all. So I avoid anything that will get her started.

  17. Just try to be understanding, my mother has a illness and if she gets snappy and just always has to be right i let her.Maybe she has a lot of stress just try to be understanding. Look at her point of view Show her you need to talk to her and make her understand this too.Communicate and let her no its important to you.

  18. Live on the streets.

  19. have you ever tried putting your feelings down in writing......sometimes this can have a very differant effect on the person you are communicating with. it's non confrontational and she will have time to digest what you are relating to her. i wish you the best.

  20. inch her in face flip her off throw her in the street and let her live there!
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