
Problems with my personality..?

by  |  earlier

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no matter what i can't seem to be as serious as i would like to be around people...i'm always considered the joker, and sometimes even seen as somewhat obnoxious. I would love to change this, but i guess it's just become habit for me. any tips???




  1. I had the same problem, I just outgrew it.  

  2. It sounds like you just get a little nervous for whatever reason. This is normal. If you start working on just not saying anything at all unless of course you are responding to a question or it is just appropriate to say something.

    In other words stop yourself when you can remember to, from cracking a joke when you really know it is not one you want to crack. Slowly you will change into someone who is still funny, but only when they choose to be.

  3. Im known as the serious guy so consider urself lucky :p

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