My daughter is 14yrs old and has a p**s poor attitude and refuses to knock the chip off her shoulder. The coming school year is pretty here and at the LAST minute she decided she doesn't want to go back to the same high school. She told me she has issues with girls at school who don't like her and also that a lot of her friends have left the school. Her father lives about two cities over and he's offered to transfer her to the school in his area. It's a good school, that's where I went. Well THEY decided it was a good idea she should just go live with him full time and I should have her every other weekend. That's currently the visitation her dad has. I was willing to compromise and agreed she can go to the new high school HOWEVER she was only going to live with her dad 1/2 the time so it's split evenly. I felt that was fair. Not to mention I'll be doing some driving on the days I have her because I don't live near that area, AND to top it off my job is near my house. So this is totally out of my way. She threw a fit when I told her about the living arrangements being only part time. I'm at the point where I'm just tired of her and her bad attitude. I dont' know what to do with her anymore. My fiance and I are moving in together in the next couple months and she had a heart attack about that saying she doesn't like him and doesn't want to move with me. My fiance has never done anything wrong to her nor does he mistreat her. My mom had a talk with her and what it boils down to is jealousy of the relationship. I don't neglect her, we spend time together but she's just become so selfish. Has anyone dealt with this??? BTW, I gave her a random drug test this past weekend and she's been smoking pot. I also managed to squeeze it out of her that she's had s*x. So to me, right now isn't the right time for her to think she can call the shots! I just feel at my wits end with her. I try and she doesn't open up to me.