
Problems with overhead pass...?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know why but I'm having problems with overhead pass. I try to do my best and listen to our coach's instructions, but I can't get it. Very frustrating!!!




  1. well...if you mean setting....

    you should first buy a setters ball, its heavier than a real ball and helps your sets get stronger.

    You should also just practice by laying donw on your bed and setting it over your head. You should work on pushing up and not causing any rotation of the ball!!!


  2. its very easy just try and bring the ball down and up very fast          i say that cuz startin setter on the canada team

  3. practice, practice, practice. you can practice setting by yourself with a ball.

  4. the key is ur fingeres... dont bend them soo much...i cant do it.. and it sux in drills... all i can say is practice

    thanx for the points

  5. Use mainly first two fingers and the thumb.(The other fingers can contact the ball simultaneously, but 95% of the power comes throught the 6 main contact points)

    Form a ball shape with your hands and look through the triangle formed by your two thumbs (horizontal and pointing inwards) and your two fore fingers. Your hands should be close but not touching. Maybe two inches between thumb tips.

    Your arms should be extended, but not fully, your knees and hips slightly bent. Position yourself directly under the dropping ball so if your hands were not there it would hit you smack in the eyes.

    The hands give slightly as the ball arrives, maybe 4-6", and immediately you straighten your knees and push outwards with your hands. It is this leg and body (and arm) movement which gives power and control NOT trying to flick it with the fingers or wrists. Use the big muscles in your body ie your legs, hips and trunk to move the ball. You can even jump up slightly as you push and reach out and up. Get the feeling of whole body extension. face in the direction you want to set.

    If you want to set well, you must have your own ball. Even a cheap rubber one will do to start with so long as it is the right weight. practice endless sets to yourself in the garden  Pushing it up a couple of feet each time and then getting higher. Also, practice setting against a wall or onto targets eg basket ball hoops/fence posts.

    Take a look at some of these setters in action and note how they use their legs and whole bodies:

    If you are setting the short ball that is more of an arms motion, but I'm assuming you want to pass it a reasonable distance.

  6. keep your fingers strong but flexible (idk it's hard to do) so that the ball doesn't spin (when the ball spins or goes backwards the ref might call it)...face your target...don't push with your arms...make sure your under the ball

  7. omg i cant overhand pass either! it just doesnt work for me. ahh i hate it.

  8. Take a volleyball and make a triangle on it with your two tumbs and two index fingers.  then put it up to your forhead.then push the the ball away from your head. a great way to practice this is to stand next to a wall and set the ball against the wall.

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