
Problems with rental townhouse plumbing?

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I'm a college student, in a town outside of Atlanta. I just moved from a house (I was renting a room) to a townhouse closer to my college. it's a 2 bedroom I will be getting a roommate soon, However we have problems with both toilets. The one downstairs

i had to cut the water off because it kept running and was about to overflow. The one upstairs just keeps running. The owner moved out of state & the lady next door is over the rental

but she said she didn't know how to fix it. The owner called tonight, but he said hes wants to wait until a uncle of the lady next door comes which is in a fews weeks. I just don't know what to do. I feel like they're trying to pushing me around.

What should I do?




  1. When I read your problem, it actually made me mad. You are right, your landlord is trying to skate by and not taking you seriously. No doubt, an older, more assertive person wouldn't tolerate bullying. You didn't state whether you have a written lease agreement. If you do, write a letter ( ok to send via email or fax) and put him on notice that both toilets need repair. Additionally, if you are paying for the water, expect a big bill, because a toilet that is always running is just wasting water--and lots of it. Mention that to him, too, in the letter. (If you don't have a lease, write the letter, but of course, you will not be able to quote the repair clause.)

    Quote the repair clause and advise if he does not hire a plumber immediately, that you will hire one and deduct the cost from next month's rent. Also, if your school has a law school, go over there and see if you can get some help with this. Some law schools have free legal advice available, furnished by law students working under the direction of their law school professors. You  need to develop a good working relationship with your landlord. If you can't do that, move out. He owes you working plumbing, and it can't wait for weeks. If he doesn't fix this, what won't he fix later? You may also want to involve your parents. Sometimes, all it takes is an assertive but polite phone call to set people straight. The person that told you it is almost always the flapper has no idea what is causing the problem. As a realtor, I have seen many a toilet that couldn't be repaired, and when it leaked, had to be replaced. This person can't diagnose your plumbing problem from behind his computer! You don't know if it is a minor repair, or a major one.

    p.s.- don't let that toilet run all the time. Use the shut off valve, and only turn it on when you use it. Then, after you flush, turn it off again. It's a pain, but beats constant running water...

  2. It is in the laws that plumbing (Specifically Toilets) must be functional and if in need of repair they have a short window of time to make the repairs...

    It sounds to me that your getting the run around...

    It sounds to me that you need the mechanisms in the tanks replaced...a relative easy task for someone so inclined... You could replace the mechanisms yourself and send the landlord the reciepts and a check for the rent less the amount of the repairs... Of course keep a copy of the receipts for yourself, if not the originals...

    This shouldn't be a problem, but some landlords might rasie a rukus, if they do this, go to the health department and complain... an inspection might reveal more problems than you're ven aware of, and they will give him a specific deadline to repair the items they find wrong...of course do this as a last resort....

  3. This is almost always a problem with the flapper in the tank. it is not closing the pipe.

    Now this can be because the chain is kinked, and pulling up on the flapper. It can be that the flapper has a poor seal surface or is broken.

    This is a trivial thing to fix. Anyone at all can fix it, even you.

  4. ALWAYS PUT IT IN WRITING-when you rent a place everything is suppose to be in working order.  Let the lady next door know that it is a health problem not having a working toilet. You have the right to call a plumber and submit the bill to the owner. If the toilet is not fixed within thirty days, you can deduct the repairs from your rent.  

    Ask the lady next door for the owner's telephone number. If she refuses to give it to you, send him a note stating the problem that you are having.

    You can say to her since it is not a rush to fix your toilets,you will come over to her place and use her toilet.

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