
Problems with swallowing that TINY birth control pill!?

by  |  earlier

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i have never ever ever been able to swallow pills. i just started birth control today and i thought it would be easy because it's TINY! well i threw it in a cup of yogurt and i ate the whole freakin cup trying to swallow it! my tongue just loves to stop things that aren't chewed from going down my throat or SOMETHING! so it dissolved in my mouth.

my question is:

is it still effective? if it dissolves in my mouth, is it the same thing as swallowing it or do i have to keep practicing?

[i've tried everything to get pills down.. none work!]




  1. Dont think about it :) seriousely. im the same

    its   MIND OVER MATTER =) hehehe

    I use yoghrt most times.

    NOw i can swallow nurofen... and even swallow

    birth control almost with just spit haha!

    think of this: you can swallow big hunks of steak

    and mouthfuls of bread, so why not swallow this

    tiny pill? ;)

    Put an i pod in.. get into singing..

    have some sips of milk..

    then put it all in... dont tilt your head right back...

    keep it at normal swallowing angle... then swallow!!

    WALLAH xx Goodluck sweety

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