
Problems with phone service?

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I recently got a soft phone service with and it just stinks! Half the time the phone does not work right and then their customer service stinks as well! It is very hard to get through to anyone and when you do all they do is refer you to a web site. I want my dang problem fixed right then and there! I am a paying customer and expect at least some level of customer service.

The thing is that I need to keep this number because it is on my business cards etc.

What is a better service to get? Also, is bringing my number with me to my new service easy to do? has been very flakey and I do not trust them to switch my number over! What can I do?




  1. VOIP is without a doubt the worst phone service in the world, it was origianly desgined just for busines or porporate use, but they decided ti expan it to residential use, i had it and cancelledit fter 6 months it was the worsto f the worst i ever had

    It's customer support is terrible most of those woh work there have no ideas what any issue is or how to colve the problem, they wil say yes you have a problem but we have no vlue was is causing it

  2. I don't think it is a problem to mention companies that you have had good service from, as long as it's not flaunted like an infomercial and you are not an "agent" promoting the product.

    I know that Roger has mentioned in past that he uses Packet8 as one of his providers.  And, from my research, I agree that they have a good reputation and are probably a good service.  But, I haven't used them myself.

    I currently use InPhonex as my primary VoIP home phone service.  I have had good results with them and have no complaints.  InPhonex can accommodate LNP (local number portability). InPhonex will port your phone numbers, when possible.

    I also use CallCentric as my secondary VoIP phone service.

    They too accommodate LNP (local number portability), when possible.

    However, CallCentric is more suited for the tech-savvy people who have and know how to configure their own ATA voip adapters, which I have done myself using the Linksys PAP2T ATA adapter.

    As far as customer service goes, I dread contacting CS with any company, regardless who they are.  That's why I learn as much as I can myself and fix most my own problems.  

    I realize this isn't practical for most people, but self education can go a long ways towards solving problems.

    No matter what service is recommended, some people will have good experience and rave about it and others will have problems and hate it.  It's all kind of luck of the draw.

  3. sorry to hear that....!

    yes, I have read about it!  but I have bad news for you....they will not port your phone number....VoIP providers don't have to port your number, might as well look for a new provider...I have my VoIP for over 5 years and love it...but I don't wanna say the name because I got another violation this morning about it...

  4. Being based in the UK, I cannot comment on, however I do know of an excellent service provider. It is the company I use here in the UK and although we do not have voip here yet ( it is coming later this year) they do have it in the US, and not only is it voip but they also use video phones as well.

    Now I don't know the US web site but you can find it by going to a UK one and following the instructions that I will give you if you send me an email.

    I know that all your questions would be answered by this company and they will tell you if they cannot do anything for you, they are completely honest.

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